The Development of a Composite Transmission Electrical Network Utilisation Comparative Study Index

Auditore, Frank Anthony
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ENGLISH ABSTRACT:The aim of the proposed study was to develop an electrical utility organisational performance measure indicator that measures electrical network utilisation (U) for the actual maximum demand and total energy transferred. The scope of the study extended itself to include reliability and exogenous considerations. The scope of the research study included three primary variables with secondary variables as the performance measures. The available data was screened and filtered from outliers, and thereafter, multivariate analysis was applied in deriving the overall linear equation for each of the above primary variables. The statistical process included the application of principal component analysis and factor analysis, a comparison between the two, and the derivation of linear equations. The study produced linear equations relating to the former. The primary variables were presented in the form of a 3-Dimensional scatter plot. Each variable was inspected for linearity and clustering to validate the results and include any previously excluded outliers that complied with linear functionality. A practical application of the research findings was included. This included the extremes of linearity and clustering. The research concludes with further research opportunities in this study direction.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om 'n maatstaf te ontwikkel wat elektrisiteitsverskaffers in staat stel om die effektiwiteit en benutting van die elektriese transmissienetwerk te meet. Dit sluit die maksimum aanvraag en totale hoeveelheid energie wat deur die transmissienetwerk oorgedra word in. Die omvang van die studie is uitgebrei om ook eksterne faktore en betroubaarheidsoorwegings in te sluit. Die beskikbare inligting is gekeur en gefilter om uitskieters uit te skakel en daarna is multivariate analise gebruik om 'n lineêre vergelyking vir elk van die primêre veranderlikes te ontwikkel. Die statistiese analise het onder andere van hoofkomponente analise en faktor analise gebruik gemaak. 'n Vergelyking tussen die twee metodes is gemaak en liniêre vergelykings is afgelei. Die primere veranderlikes was gesamelik getoon in n’ 3-dimensionele grafik. Die lineariteit en groepering van elke veranderlike is egter ondersoek om die resultate te staaf en enige uitskieters wat voorheen uitgesluit is maar wel aan die lineêre verband voldoen het in te sluit. 'n Praktiese toepassing van die bevindings was uitgevoer en het die uiterstes van lineariteit en groepering ingesluit. Die ondersoek word afgesluit met 'n bespreking van moontlike verdere navorsingsgeleenthede.
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
242 Leaves printed single pages, preliminary pages i-viii and numberd pages. Includes bibliography. Tables and figures.
Eskom (Firm), Electric utilities -- Evaluation, Strategic planning, Theses -- Electronic engineering, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering