Conference Proceedings (Strategic Studies)

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    On Strategy: Stategic theory and contemporary African armed conflicts
    (SUN MeDIA Stellenbosch, 2010) Vrey, Francois; Mandrup, Thomas; Esterhuyse, Abel
    The conference theme On strategy: Strategic theory and contemporary African armed conflicts, jointly presented by Stellenbosch University in South Africa and the faculty of the Royal Danish Defence College, attempts to draw attention to two matters. First, the importance and contribution of strategic theory as an explanatory framework to better understand armed conflict, and second, to elevate the importance of the policy – strategy nexus that is often lost or misinterpreted when viewing African armed conflicts. This conference represents a combined enterprise to bring a better understanding of the seemingly intractable African armed conflicts, and the world of strategy, to be understood as the consequences of the past use of armed forces for future outcomes (Gray 1999:18).