An evaluation of the effectiveness of observation camera placement within the meerkat radio telescope project

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A recent development within the MeerKAT sub-project of the Square Kilometre Array radio telescope network was the placement of a network of three observation cameras in pursuit of two specific visibility objectives. In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of the locations of the MeerKAT observation camera network according to a novel multi-objective geographic information systems-based facility location framework. We find that the configuration chosen and implemented by the MeerKAT decision-makers is of very high quality, although we are able to uncover slightly superior alternative placement configurations. A significant amount of time and effort could, however, have been saved in the process of choosing the appropriate camera sites, had our solutions been available to the decision-makers.
’n Onlangse ontwikkeling binne die MeerKAT deelprojek van die Vierkante Kilometer Skikking radio teleskoop netwerk was die plasing van ’n netwerk van drie waarnemingskameras volgens twee spesifieke sigbaarheidsdoelstellings. In hierdie artikel evalueer ons die doeltreffendheid van die liggings van hierdie kameranetwerk volgens ’n nuwe, veeldoelige geografiese inligtingstelsel-gebaseerde fasiliteitsplasing raamwerk. Ons vind dat die plasingskonfigurasie wat deur die MeerKAT besluitnemers gekies is, van baie hoë kwaliteit is, alhoewel ons daartoe in staat is om plasingskonfigurasies van effens hoër kwaliteit te bereken. ’n Beduidende hoeveelheid tyd en moeite kon egter gedurende die besluitnemingsproses gespaar gewees het indien ons oplossings aan die besluitnemers beskikbaar was.
CITATION: Heyns, A. & Van Vuuren, J. 2015. An evaluation of the effectiveness of observation camera placement within the meerkat radio telescope project. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 26(2):10-25, doi:10.7166/26-2-1216.
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South African MeerKAT radio telescope, Radio telescopes -- South Africa
Heyns, A. & Van Vuuren, J. 2015. An evaluation of the effectiveness of observation camera placement within the meerkat radio telescope project. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 26(2):10-25, doi:10.7166/26-2-1216