Microstructure and mechanical properties of direct metal laser sintered TI-6AL-4V

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Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is a selective laser melting (SLM) manufacturing process that can produce near net shape parts from metallic powders. A range of materials are suitable for SLM; they include various metals such as titanium, steel, aluminium, and cobalt-chrome alloys. This paper forms part of a research drive that aims to evaluate the material performance of the SLM-manufactured metals. It presents DMLS-produced Ti-6Al-4V, a titanium alloy often used in biomedical and aerospace applications. This paper also studies the effect of several heat treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V processed by SLM. It reports the achievable mechanical properties of the alloy, including quasi-static, crack growth behaviour, density and porosity distribution, and post-processing using various heat-treatment conditions.
Direkte metaal-laser-sintering is ‘n selektiewe lasersmeltvervaardigingsproses wat naby aan netto-vorm onderdele van metaalpoeiers kan produseer. Verskeie materiale is geskik vir lasersmeltvervaardiging, onder andere titaan, staal, aluminium en kobaltchroom legerings. Die doel van dié navorsing is om die materiaaleienskappe van lasersmeltvervaardigde onderdele te ondersoek. ‘n Titaan legering (Ti-6Al-4V) wat dikwels biomediese en ruimte toepassings het, word voorgehou. Verder word die effek van verskeie hittebehandelings op die mikrostruktuur en meganiese eienskappe van die titaan legering, na dit lasersmeltvervaardiging ondergaan het, ondersoek. Die quasi-statiese kraakvoortplanting, digtheid- en poreusheidsverspreiding en die verwerking met verskeie hittebehandelingtoestande word bespreek.
CITATION: Becker, T. H., Beck, M. & Scheffer, C. 2015. Microstructure and mechanical properties of direct metal laser sintered TI-6AL-4V. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 26(1):1-10, doi:10.7166/26-1-1022.
The original publication is available at http://sajie.journals.ac.za
Selective laser melting, Metals -- Heat treatment
Becker, T. H., Beck, M. & Scheffer, C. 2015. Microstructure and mechanical properties of direct metal laser sintered TI-6AL-4V. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 26(1):1-10, doi:10.7166/26-1-1022