A history of the Endler Hall as cultural space

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Endler Hall has emerged as a prestigious concert hall with remarkable acoustics. Although it functions primarily as an academic facility of the Stellenbosch University Music Department, it has, since its creation in 1978, become a significant cultural space. The Music Department's origins date back to 1905 and it is within this history that the Endler Hall finds its context. The hall represents the aspirations of several generations of academics and musicians, and it is still being used to express the aspirations of present generations. This research study begins by evaluating the history of the Stellenbosch Music Department. By assessing the paradigms of the institution's leaders, as well as their contributions made to the areas of teaching, performance, and research, the study will further discover how the value for Western classical music was lived out. The research focuses considerable attention towards Richard Behrens and the process by which he planned the Endler Hall and the building in which it is situated. The research accounts for the apartheid government that existed in South Africa, and attempts to record the extent to which the Music Department, the Endler Hall, and staff and students – were influenced. The penultimate chapter of the study examines the cultural relevance and significance of the Endler Hall, through factors such as acoustics, aesthetics, community music, education, the Stellenbosch International Chamber Music Festival, and issues concerning technological improvements and concert programming. A common theme that weaves its way through the study exists as what has been labelled, the "silent narrative". In this way the research has aspired to advocate or propose what could have been. For example, what kinds of music could have been performed in the Endler? What kind of facility would the Endler Hall have been if it were built by people with different aspirations and in a different time? And how do these questions elicit a response that will determine the decisions of today?
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Endlersaal het na vore gekom as 'n gesogte konsertsaal met merkwaardige akoestiek. Alhoewel dit hoofsaaklik funksioneer as 'n akademiese fasiliteit van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se Departement Musiek, het dit, sedert sy ontstaan in 1978, 'n betekenisvolle kulturele ruimte geword. Die Departement Musiek se oorsprong dateer terug na 1905 en binne hierdie geskiedenis vind die Endlersaal sy konteks. Die saal verteenwoordig die aspirasies van verskeie generasies van akademici en musikante, en tans word die aspirasies van die huidige geslag daarin uitgeleef. Hierdie studie begin met die evaluering van die geskiedenis van die Musiekdepartement. Die verwysingsveld van die instelling se leiers word ondersoek, sowel as hul bydraes tot die gebied van onderrig, uitvoering, en navorsing. Die studie bring verdere inligting na vore omtrent die waarde wat Westerse klassieke musiek vir die betrokkenes ingehou het en hoe dit uitgeleef is. Die navorsing gee heelwat aandag aan Richard Behrens en die beplanningsproses vir die bou van die Endlersaal en die gebou waarvan dit `n deel is. Die navorsing gee aandag aan die apartheidsregering wat in Suid-Afrika aan die bewind was en poog om op te teken tot watter mate die Departement Musiek, die Endlersaal, personeel en studente daardeur beïnvloed is. Die voorlaaste hoofstuk van die studie ondersoek die kulturele relevansie en betekenis van die Endlersaal, deur middel van faktore soos akoestiek, estetika, gemeenskapsmusiek, onderwys, die Stellenbosch Internasionale Kamermusiekfees en kwessies rakende tegnologiese verbeterings en konsertprogrammering. 'n Tema wat deurgaans in die studie voorkom, word "the silent narrative" genoem. Op hierdie manier streef die navorsing daarna om voor te stel wat kon gebeur het. Byvoorbeeld, watter soorte musiek kon andersins in die Endlersaal uitgevoer geword het? Watter soort fasiliteit sou die Endlersaal gewees het, as dit deur mense met verskillende aspirasies en in 'n ander tyd gebou was? En hoe ontlok hierdie vrae reaksies, wat die besluite van vandag sal bepaal?
Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Endler Hall -- History, UCTD