Personnel Allocation for Engineering Projects

Theron, Louis Francois
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The logical allocation of tasks in engineering offices currently relies heavily on the experience and intuition of project managers. In large scale projects the complexity of the task allocation procedure exceeds the capacity of human intuition, and a systematic technique is required to aid project managers in assigning tasks to individuals. In this project such a systematic technique is modelled and implemented using the Java programming language. An equation was developed to calculate an individual’s workload, and used in conjunction with other criteria to intelligently and systematically select an optimal individual to complete engineering tasks. The software solution is network-based, and also aims to aid project managers in various managerial duties.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die logiese toekenning van ingenieurstake steun tans swaar op die ervaring en aanvoeling van projek bestuurders. In grootskaalse projekte is die kompleksiteit van die taak toekenningsproses veel groter as die kapasiteit van menslike intuïsie. Dus word ‘n sistematiese proses wat projek-bestuurders kan help met die toeken van take aan individue vereis. In hierdie projek is so 'n sistematiese tegniek ontwikkel en geïmplementeer met behulp van die Java-programmeringstaal. 'n Vergelyking is ontwikkel om 'n individu se werklading te bereken en is in samewerking met ander kriteria gebruik om take intelligent en sistematies toe te ken. Die sagteware is network en databasis-gebaseerd en kan ook gebruik word om projek-bestuurders te help met verskeie bestuurspligte.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Task allocation, Personnel management, Project management, SQL (Computer program language), Bauinformatik, Production engineering., Engineering Informatics, Dissertations -- Civil engineering, UCTD