The design and implementation of a security and containment platform for peer-to-peer media distribution

Storey, Quiran
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The way in which people consume video is changing with the adoption of new technologies such as tablet computers and smart televisions. These new technologies, along with the Internet, are moving video distribution away from satellite and terrestrial broadcast to distribution over the Internet. Services online now offer the same content that originally was only available on satellite broadcast television. However, these services are only viable in countries with high speed, inexpensive Internet bandwidth. The need therefore exists for alternative services to deliver content in countries where bandwidth is still expensive and slow. These include many of the developing nations of Africa. In this thesis we design and develop a video distribution platform that relies on peer-to-peer networking to deliver high quality video content. We use an existing video streaming peer-to-peer protocol as the primary distribution mechanism, but allow users to share video over other protocols and services. These can include BitTorrent, DC++ and users sharing hard drives with one another. In order to protect the video content, we design and implement a security scheme that prevents users from pirating video content, while allowing easy distribution of video data. The core of the security scheme requires a low bandwidth Internet connection to a server that streams keys to unlock the video content. The project also includes the development of a custom video player application to integrate with the security scheme. The platform is not limited to, but is aimed at high speed local area networks where bandwidth is free. In order for the platform to support feasible business models, we provision additional services, such as video cataloging and search, video usage monitoring and platform administration. The thesis includes a literature study on techniques and solutions to secure video entertainment, specifically in a peer-to-peer environment.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wyse waarvolgens mense video verbruik is aan die verander met die ingebruikneming van nuwe tegnologie soos tabletrekenaars en slim televisiestelle. Hierdie nuwe tegnologie tesame met die Internet maak dat die verspreiding van video al hoe minder plaasvind deur middel van satellietuitsendings en al hoe meer versprei word deur die Internet. Aanlyn-Internetdienste bied deesdae dieselfde inhoud aan as wat voorheen slegs deur beeldsending versprei is. Hierdie dienste is egter slegs lewensvatbaar in lande met hoëspoed- en goedkoop Internetbandwydte. Daar is dus ’n behoefte aan alternatiewe tot hierdie dienste in lande waar bandwydte steeds duur en stadig is. Baie lande in Afrika kan in hierdie kategorie ingesluit word. In hierdie tesis word ’n videoverspreidingsplatform ontwerp en ontwikkel, wat van portuurnetwerke gebruik maak om hoëkwaliteit-beeldmateriaal te versprei. Die stelsel gebruik ’n bestaande portuurnetwerk-datavloeiprotokol as die premêre verspreidingsmeganisme, maar laat gebruikers ook toe om videoinhoud direk met ander gebruikers en dienste te deel. BitTorrent, DC++ en gebruikers wat hardeskywe met mekaar deel word hierby ingesluit. Ten einde die videoinhoud te beskerm ontwerp en implimenteer ons ’n sekuriteitstelsel wat verhoed dat gebruikers die videoinhoud onregmatig kan toe-eien, maar wat terselfdertyd die verspreiding van die data vergemaklik. Hierdie sluit die ontwikkeling van ’n pasgemaakte videospeler in. Die kern van die sekuriteitstelsel benodig ’n lae-bandwydte-Internetverbinding na ’n bediener wat sleutels uitsaai om die videoinhoud te ontsluit. Alhoewel nie daartoe beperk nie, is die platform gemik op hoëspoed-plaaslikegebiedsnetwerke met gratis bandwydte. Om die platvorm aan ’n haalbare sakemodel te laat voldoen het ons vir addisionele dienste soos videokatalogisering met soekfunksies, videoverbruikersmonitering en platvormadministrasie voorsiening gemaak. Die tesis sluit ’n literatuurstudie oor tegnieke en oplossings vir die beskerming van video data, spesifiek in die portuurnetwerke omgeving, in.
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Streaming videos, Internet security measures, Peer-to-peer architecture (Computer networks), Computing platforms, Dissertations -- Electrical and electronic engineering, Local area networks (Computer networks) -- Security measures, Local area networks (Computer networks), Video distribution platforms