The influence of vitamin D3 supplementation on the components of the metabolic syndrome

Wolberg, Charlene
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The possible advantages of vitamin D supplementation on various cardiometabolic conditions have been examined over the past few years. Vitamin D supplementation has possibly shown effects on each of the individual components of the metabolic syndrome i.e.: obesity, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and glucose intolerance. The aim of this systematic review was to ascertain whether or not vitamin D supplementation has any effect on any of the components of the metabolic syndrome. We searched the (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trails (Central), Medline, Science direct, ISI Web of knowledge and Scopus during 2010 (repeated search in 2012). We found four randomized controlled trials that met our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Three hundred and seventy three patients were included in these four randomized controlled trails comparing vitamin D supplementation with placebo. Duration of treatment was a minimum of 4 weeks, through to a maximum of on-year. The different trials looked at various components of the metabolic syndrome as outcomes. The results were not consistent amongst the trials and the results could not be combined in a meta-analysis due to heterogeneity in study design and outcomes measured. The current systematic review highlights the shortcomings in the published data and we recommend further trials be undertaken before vitamin D supplementation can be recommended as beneficial for patients with the metabolic syndrome.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die moontlike voordele van vitamien D-aanvullings op verskillende kardiometaboliese toestande is oor die afgelope paar jaar ondersoek. Daar is aangetoon dat vitamien Daanvullings uitwerkings het op elk van die individuele komponente van die metaboliese sindroom naamlik vetsug, hipertensie, dislipidemie en glukose-intoleransie. Die doel van hierdie sistematiese oorsig was om vas te stel of vitamien D-aanvullings enige uitwerking het op enige van die komponente van die metaboliese sindroom of nie. Ons het gedurende 2010 soektogte uitgevoer op die Cochrane Sentrale register van gekontroleerde proewe (Central), Medline, Science Direct, ISI Web of Knowledge en Scopus (soektog is in 2012 herhaal). Ons het vier verewekansigde gekontroleerde proewe wat aan ons insluiting- en uitsluitingskriteria voldoen het, opgespoor. Driehonderd drie en sewentig pasiënte is by die vier proewe ingesluit. Al vier proewe het vitamien D-aanvullings met plasebo vergelyk. Die duur van behandeling het van 4 weke tot een jaar gestrek. Die verskillende proewe het gekyk na verskillende komponente van die metaboliese sindroom as uitkomste. Die resultate van die onderskeie proewe was nie konsekwent nie. Die huidige sistematiese oorsig belig die tekortkominge in die gepubliseerde data en ons beveel aan dat verdere proewe onderneem word om vas te stel of dit nuttig is om vitamien D aanvullings vir pasiënte met die metaboliese sindroom aan te beveel, en of dit dalk skadelik kan wees.
Thesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Vitamin D in human nutrition, Vitamin D supplementation, Metabolic syndrome -- Nutritional aspects, Dissertations -- Nutrition, Theses -- Nutrition