Open church and closed worship? : a practical theology study of the dialectic relationship between fear and hospitality in worship

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the rites of Christian worship, various aspects are operated, and some of them seem to have opposite attributes that cannot exist at the same place and be performed at the same time. Since all the aspects are so important to worship, we cannot over-stress or exclude either one of them. The relationships between the aspects being confronted with cause tensions in worship. The aim of this thesis is to synthesize these tensions, esp. concerning fear and hospitality in worship. Fear and hospitality cannot be expressed with one perspective, because they in themselves have various aspects. Fear of God has a dimension of Mysterium Tremendum but, at the same time, it has a dimension of Fascinosum. Hospitality also has two dimensions: of God and of human beings. Thus, what is significant is to relieve the tension between fear and hospitality and the tension implied in themselves. To accomplish this goal, we endeavour to find the agent for the synthesizing the two aspects in worship so that they can stand in a dialectical relationship. We apply a Christological approach and pneumatological insights for this task. In Jesus a negative dimension of fear of God can be altered to hospitality of God while still grabbing a positive sense of fear of God in worship. Therefore, In Jesus fear and hospitality is synthesized. This synthesizing is different from blending or balancing fear and hospitality in worship just in quantity and quality for they cannot relieve the tensions. Lastly, we deal with a matter of opening and closing as a pragmatic task. The church and worship can be open for God’s hospitality, but at the same time they are closed to some for fear of God. Opening or closing in itself cannot be the solution for this contradiction. The answer for the matter of opening and closing lies in a dialectical relationship between fear and hospitality in Jesus Christ, because in Him all the tensions are relieved.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die rituele van Christelike aanbidding is verskeie elemente aan die werk, en dit wil voorkom asof sommige hiervan teenoorgestelde eienskappe het wat nie gelyktydig kan bestaan of uitgevoer kan word nie. Aangesien al die aspekte so belangrik is vir aanbidding, kan ons nie een van hulle oorbeklemtoon of uitsluit nie. Die verhoudings tussen die elemente gee aanleiding tot spanninge. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die spanninge te sintetiseer, veral wat betref vrees en gasvryheid in aanbidding. Vrees en gasvryheid kan nie met een perspektief uitgedruk word nie omdat hulle uit verskeie aspekte bestaan. Vrees vir God het 'n dimensie van Mysterium Tremendum, maar terselfdertyd ook 'n dimensie van Fascinosum. Gasvryheid het ook twee dimensies: van God en van die mens. Dit is dus betekenisvol om die spanning tussen vrees en gasvryheid en die spanning binne dié aspekte te verlig. Om hierdie doel te bereik, probeer ons om die agent te vind vir die sintese van die twee aspekte in aanbidding, sodat hulle in 'n dialektiese verhouding tot mekaar kan staan. Ons wend 'n Christologiese benadering en pneumatologiese insigte vir hierdie taak aan. In Jesus kan 'n negatiewe dimensie van vrees verander word in die gasvryheid van God, terwyl die positiewe sin van die vrees vir God in aanbidding beklemtoon word. Vrees en gasvryheid word in Jesus gesintetiseer. Hierdie sintetisering verskil van die vermenging of die balansering van vrees en gasvryheid in aanbidding in die hoeveelheid en kwaliteit omdat hulle nie die spanning kan verlig nie. Ten slotte, behandel ons die aspekte van opening en sluiting as 'n pragmatiese taak. Die Kerk en aanbidding kan oop wees vir God se gasvryheid, maar op dieselfde tyd is hulle vir sommige geslote weens ʼn vrees vir God. Om oop te maak of om te sluit kan op sigself nie die oplossing vir hierdie teenstrydigheid wees nie. Die antwoord vir opening en sluiting lê net in 'n dialektiese verhouding tussen vrees en gasvryheid in Jesus Christus, want in Hom is al die spanninge verlig.
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
Dissertations -- Practical Theology and Missiology, Theses -- Practical Theology and Missiology, Dissertations -- Theology, Theses -- Practical Theology and Missiology, Praise of God, Public worship