Stellenbosse akademici en die politieke problematiek in Suid-Afrika, 1934-1948

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: This study examined the direct influence of the academic staff of the University of Stellenbosch on the politics in South Africa from 1934 to 1948. Two themes seemed to be the most important: the stellenbusch academics role in party politics and the Stellenbosch academics and inter group relations. On the party political scene their most important contribution was the attempt to unite the Afrikaners on the political field during 1939 and 1940. For this purpose they founded the Stellenbosse Versoeningskomitee. After their attempts failed, they continued their involvement during the debate between those who supported South Africa's participation in the Second World War and those who opposed it. During 1941 a group of academics also opposed the national socialist trends that became prominent in Arikaner circles. The Stellenbosch academics were also involved on the question of inter group relations. They publ icly stated their viewpoints on relations with the English speaking South Africans, the Jews, the Coloureds, the Asians and the Blacks. In this regard they opposed the immigration of Jews to South Africa in 1936 and also played a major part in the crystillization of apartheid. They also participated in the activities of a number of commissions: the wilcocks' commission (1934), the De Villiers' commission (1936), the Sauer commission (1948) and the protest against the findings of the Fagan commission (1948). In this regard they played a major role in the founding of the suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir Rasse-aangeleenthede in 1948. It is clear that the academic university played a major role in Africa from 1934 to 1948.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is die direkte betrokkenheid van die stellenbosse akademici in Afrikanergeledere tussen die politieke verwikkelinge 1934 en 1948 bestudeer in en geevalueer en het twee temas besonder sterk na vore getree. Dit is die Stellenbossers se rol met betrekking tot die partypolitiek en die Stellenbossers en die verhoudingskwessies. In die eerste tema is veral klem gele op die Stellenbossers se groot rol in die poging om politieke eenheid in Afrikanergeledere te bewerkstellig deur middel van die Stellenbosse Versoeningskomitee (1939/1940). Verdere betrokkenheid het geskied rondom die debat tussen die proen anti-oorlog groepe oor Suid-Afrika se toetrede tot die Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939) en die groei van nasionaalsosialistiese neigings binne Afrikanergeledere en die gepaardgaande protes (1941). wat die verhoudingskwessies betref het die Stellenbosse akademici hulle met die kwessies rondom die Jode, Engelstaliges, Kleurlinge, Indiers en Swartes bemoei. So het hulle 'n leidende rol gespeel in die protes teen die immigrasie van Jode (1936). 'n Baie groot rol is ook gespeel ten opsigte van die rassekwessie. In hierdie opsig het hulle 'n leidende rol gespeel in die kristalisasie van die apartheidsbeleid. Invloed, is ook uitgeoefen op sekere kommissies soos die wilcocks-kommissie (1934), die -De Villiers-kommissie (1936), die Fagan-kommissie (1948) en die Sauer-kommissie (1948). 'n Belangrike rol is ook gespeel in die stigting van SABRA om die rassevraagstuk wetenskaplik te ondersoek. Dit is dus duidelik dat die Stellenbosse akademici 'n belangrike rol op die politieke gebied gespeel het.
Tesis (M.A.)--Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1991.
Lecturers -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Political activity, South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1909-1948, Dissertations -- History