The committee systems of local authorities in the Cape Province with particular reference to the practice in the municipality of Somerset West

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Municipal councils appoint committees and delegate powers to these committees and principal officers to more effectively dispose of or perform their functions and duties. Committees have become an integral part of the organisational structure of municipalities, a fact borne out by the numerous investigations which have been carried out over years in respect of their functioning. For the purposes of this thesis the following normative guidelines for the effective functioning of committees have been identified, namely: terms of reference; size and number of committees, and delegations to committees and officials. The findings and recommendations of a number of commissions and and committees of enquiry which have been appointed to investigate the management and structure of local authorities in the United Kingdom and South Africa were evaluated in terms of the normative guidelines. The findings of these commissions and committees of enquiry revealed that there was a serious lack delegations to committees and to officials, that councils appointed too many committees comprising a large number of councillors and that committees were not given terms of reference. Due to the fact that the Municipal Ordinance, 1974 (Ordinance 20 of 1974), of the Cape Province enables councils to appoint occasional and standing committee as and when required, an empirical analysis of the committee systems of selected local authorities in the Cape Province was carried out by means of a questionnaire and an in-depth analysis was made of the past and present committee systems of the Somerset West Municipality. The study revealed that the majority of the local authorities make use of the Multiple Committee System, the committees comprise of two thirds or less of the total number of councillors and that as local authorities grow the need to frame clear terms of reference for committees and to delegate powers to committees and principal officers increasas. Flowing from the findings of the study and taking cognisance of the fact that the Somerset West Town Council made numerous ad hoc changes to its committee system over the period in question, a committee system and structure is recommended for Somerset West which includes the abolition of certain committees, the composition and size, terms of reference, functions and delegations to the respective committees as well as to principal officers.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Munisipale rade stel komitees aan en delegeer magte aan hierdie komitees en hoofamptenare ten einde groter effektiwiteit in die uitvoering van hul funksies en pligte te verseker. Komitees vorm 'n integrale deel van die organisasiestruktuur van munisipaliteite, soos blyk uit die vele ondersoeke wat oor jare na hul funksionering uitgevoer is. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie tesis is die volgende normatiewe riglyne vir die effektiewe funksionering van komitees geidentifiseer, naamlik: - verwysingsraamwerk; - grootte van en aantal komitees, e - delegasies aan komitees en amotenare. Die bevindings en aanbevelings van 'n aantal komitees ene kommissies van onder soek wat aangestel is om die bestuur en struktuur van plaaslike bestuur in die Verenigde Koninkryk en Suid-Afrika te ondersoek is ooreenkomstig die normatiewe riglyne geevalueer. Die bevindings van hierdie komitees en kommissies van ondersoek het 'n ernstige gebrek aan delegasie na komitees en amptenareaan die lig gebring, ook dat rade te veel komitees bestaande uit 'n groot aantal raadslede aangestel het en dat komitees geen verwysingsraamwerk ontvang het nie. Aangesien die Munispale Ordonnansie, 1974 (Ordonnansie 20 van 1974) van die Kaapprovinsie munisipale rade instaat stel om geleentheids- en vaste komitees soos en wanneer benodig aan te stel, is 'n empiriese ontleding van die komieestelsels van uitgesoekte plaaslike owerhede in die Kaapprovinsie gedoen deur middel van 'n vraelys, asook 'n in-diepte ontleding van die vorige en huidige komiteestelsels van die Somerset-Wes Munisipalitiet. Die studie het aan die lig gebring dat die meeste plaaslike owerhede qebruik maak van 'n Meervoudige Komiteestelsel, dat komitees uit twee-derdes of minder van die totale aantal raadslede bestaan en dat namate plaaslike owerhede groei, daar 'n toenemende behoefte bestaan aan duidelike verwysingsraamwerke in komitees en die delegasie van magte aan komitees en hoofamptenare. Voortvloeiend uit die bevindings van die studie en met inagneming van die feit dat die Stadsraad van Somerset-Wes gedurende die tersaaklike periode verskeie ad hoc veranderinge aan sy komiteestelsel aangebring het, word 'n komiteestelsel en -struktuur vir Somerset-Wes aanbeveel, waarby ingesluit is die wegdoening van sekere komitees, die samestelling en grootte , verwysingsraamwerk, funksies en delegasies aan die onderskeie komitees en hoofamptenare.
Thesis (M. Admin.)--Stellenbosch University, 1993.
Local government -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hope, Legislative bodies -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- Committees, Municipal government -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hope, Legislative bodies -- South Africa -- Somerset West -- Committees, Municipal government -- South Africa -- Somerset West, Dissertations -- Public administration