Oordrag van gene vir hoe proteieninhoud vanaf durumkoring na korog

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis consists of two articles for publication. The first (A) is a review article on triticale with reference to problems in the synthesis of different ploidy forms which have been utilized in the breeding of the crop and attempts which have been made to improve seed protein content. The second article (B) deals with results obtained from experiments designed to improve seed protein content by transfer of genes for high protein from the wild emmer wheat, Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides, through crossing, chromosome doubling and backcrossing.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bestaan uit twee artikels vir publikasie. Die eerste (A) is 'n oorsigartikel oor korog met verwysing na probleme in die sintese van die verkillende ploïede vorms wat in die teelt van die gewas gebruik is en pogings wat aangewend is vir verhoging in saadproteïeninhoud. Die twede artikel (B) handel oor resultate verkry in eksperimente wat uitgevoer is waar daar gepoog is om saadproteïen te verhoog deur oordrag van gene vir hoë proteïeninhoud vanaf dei wilde emmerkoring, Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides, deur kruising, chromosoomverdubbeling en terugkruising.
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1993.