'n Vergelykende studie van die innerlike dialoog, intelligensie en studiegedrag by 'n groep hoog en laag toetsangstige standerd ses-leerlinge

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Test anxiety has been identified as one of the non-intellectua.l factors that can effect academic performance negatively. Poor academic performance of a high school pupil can have negative results across a wide spectrum for example, self-esteem, and subject and career choice. The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of test anxiety, and certain variables which have a bearing on test anxiety amongst pupils in the junior secondary phase. In the summary of literature on test anxiety the focus is on theoretical viewpoints concerning the nature of test anxiety and attention is paid to the development of this anxiety in the child. Reference to possible aetiological factors of test anxiety for example intelligence, internal dialogue and study habits also occur. The experimental group consisted of 71 pupils (33 boys and 38 girls) ranging from 13 years nil months to 14 years 11 months in age. Based on scores the pupils achieved on the Test Anxiety Scale for Children the investigative group was divided into a group scoring high on test anxiety, and another scoring low on test anxiety. Each group included both girls and boys. The two groups were compared in respect of intelligence, internal dialogue, study habits and attitude towards studying. The measuring-instruments used in this investigation were the General Scholastic Aptitude Test (GSAT), the Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes (SSHA), the Test Anxiety Scale for Children (TASC), the Lie Scale for Children (LSC) and the Protocol of Internal Dialogue. The following results were achieved in this investigation: The group scoring high on test anxiety achieved, on average, lower scores on the General Scholastic Aptitude Test. while a significant higher percentage negative and external locus of control thoughts was also identified with this group in response to the Protocol of Internal Dialogue. Scores on the sub-scales for study habits and attitudes of the Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes were significantly lower with the group testing high anxiety scores. A significant gender / test anxiety interaction was also identified for some of the variables investigated in this study. Test anxiety is a complex construct which can influence pupil functioning negatively across a wide spectrum. The negative effect of test anxiety can have far-reaching repercussions and should be addressed by means of planned assistance as early as possible in high school.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toetsangs is geidentifiseer as een van die nie-intellektuele faktore wat akademiese prestasie negatief kan beinvloed. Swak akademiese prestasie kan vir die hoerskoolleerling oor n bree spektrum soos selfbelewing, vakkeuse en beroepskeuse, nadelige gevolge inhou. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die aard van toetsangs en na sekere van die veranderlikes wat met toetsangs geassosieer word, by leerlinge in die junior sekondere fase. In die literatuuroorsig van toetsangs is daar gefokus op teoretiese perspektiewe met betrekking tot die aard van toetsangs en word daar aandag gegee aan die ontwikkeling van toetsangs by die kind. Daar is ook verwys na die moontlike etiologiese faktore van toetsangs, byvoorbeeld intelligensie, innerlike dialoog, studiegewoontes en -houdings. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 71 leerlinge (33 seuns en 38 dogters) tussen die ouderdomme van 13 jaar nul maande en 14 jaar 11 maande. Op grond van tellings wat die leerlinge op die Toetsangsskaal vir Kinders (TASK) behaal het, is die ondersoe kgroep verdeel in 'n hoog toetsangstige en laag toetsangstige groep leerlinge. Beide hierdie groepe het seuns en dogters ingesluit. Die hoog toetsangstige en laag toetsangatige groep leerlinge is vergelyk ten opsigte van intelligensie, innerlike dialoog, studiegewoontes en -houdings. Die meetinstrumente wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is, was die Algemene Skolastiese Aanlegtoets (ASAT). die Opname vir Stuciiegewoontes en -houdings (OSGH), die Toetsangsskaal vir Kindel's, die Leuenskaal vir Kinders (LSK) en die Protokol van Innerlike Dialoog. Hierdie ondersoek het die volgende resultate gelewer: Die groep hoog toetsangstige leerlinge het gemiddeld laer tellings op die Algemene Skolastiese Aanlegtoets behaal. Met betrekking tot die twee groepe se response op die protokolle ,van innerlike dialoog is daar by die groep hoog toetsangstige leerlinge 'n beduidend hoer persentasie negatiewe- en eksterne lokus van kontrole-gedagtes geidentifiseer. Tellings op die subskale studiegewoontes en studiehoudings van die opname vir Studiegewoontes en-houdings was beduidend Iaer by die groep hoog toetsangstige leerlinge. In hierdie ondersoek is daar by enkele van die verander likes wat ondersoek is, n beduidende geslag/toetsangs-interaksie geidentifiseer. Dit blyk uit hierdie ondersoek dat toetsangs n komplekse konstruk is wat leerlingprestasie nadelig kan beinvloed. Die negatiewe effek van toetsangs kan verreikende implikasies inhou en behoort deur beplande hulpverlening reeds vroeg in die hoerskool aangespreek te word.
Tesis (M. Ed.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1993.
Test anxiety, Anxiety in children, Anxiety in adolescence, Dissertations -- Education