The identification of RAPD markers for the Thinopyrum derived Lr19 translocation of wheat

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Ongoing attempts to introduce novel traits in wheat necessitate the development of detailed genetic maps to facilitate these processes. Thinopyrum ponticum derived leaf rust resistance (Lr19) has been successfully incorporated as a terminal translocation onto chromosome 7DL of wheat (Sharma & Knott, 1966). Following the induction of allosyndetic pairing between the translocated segment and homoeologous chromosome arms, a shortened translocation designated Lr19-149, was recovered (Marais 1992c). A number of near isogenic lines (NILs) have been developed using the two forms of Lr19 (Prins et al, 1997), as well as a set of 29 irradiation induced deletions of the original Lr19 translocation (Marais, 1992a). these proved very useful in the process of mapping the chromosome region. A poorly developed genetic map hamper attempts to study and modify the introgressed chromotin block. Polymorphic variation between a NIL and its recurrent parent can be detected on the molecular level making it possible to generate easily usable markers for mapping purposes. Since the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique (Williams et al, 1990) requires very little knowledge of sequence information prior to its employment, and since its suitability has already been well demonstrated in a variety of species (Welsh and McClelland, 1990), it is a logical choice in the search for polymorphic markers. In this study four Lr19 RAPD markers have been identified, and mapped successfully and a further three repulsion phase markers for the corresponding wheat chromosome arm have been identified. The marker, Xus-OPK1580-7el, is located the closest to the Lr19 gene. This marker was used to confirm two putative Lr19-149 recombinants as Lr19 derivatives and suggested that a third recombinant has apparently lost the marker and must be the most useful (shortest) recombinant.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Pogings om nuwe gene na koring oor te dra maak dit noodsaaklik om goed gedefinieerde genetiese kaarte te ontwikkel om die proses te bespoedig. Die Thinopyrum ponticum verhaalde blaarroes weerstandsgeen, Lr19, is as 'n terminale translokasie op chromosoomarm 7DL van koring gevoeg (Sharma & Knott 1966). Nadat allosindetiese paring tussen die getranslokeerde segment en die homeoloe koring chromosoomarms geinduseer is, is nuwe, verkorte translokasie herwin, naamlik Lr19-149 (Marais, 1992c). Naby isogeniese lyne (NILs) van die twee Lr19 translokasies is in verskeie korings ontwikkel (Prins et al, 1997) asook 'n stel van 29 bestraling-geinduseerde terminale delesies van die oorspronklike Lr19 translokasie (Marais, 1992a). Laasgenoemde lyne kon nuttig gebruik word vir die kartering van die chromosoomarea. 'n Swak ontwikkelde genetiese kaart belemmer pogings om die spesie-verhaalde chromatienblok te bestuur of om dit te verkort vir kommersiele gebruik. Polimorfiese variasie tussen 'n NIL en sy betrokke herhalende ouerlyn kan geidentifiseer word op molekulere vlak en sodoende is dit moontlik om bruikbare merkers te ontwikkel vir karterings-doeleindes. Aangesien die "Lukraak Geamplifiseerde Polimorfiese DNA" (RAPD) tegniek (Williams et al, 1990) baie min vooraf kennis van DNA volgordes vereis, end ie bruikbaarheid van die tegniek good gedemonstreer is in 'n verskeidenheid spesies (Welsh en McClelland 1990), is dit 'n logiese keuse vir die opsporing van nuwe, polimorfiese merkers. In hierdie studie is vier Lr19 RAPD merkers geidentifiseer, en suksesvol gekarteer terwyl 'n verdere drie repulsiefase merkers met die verplaasde koring chromosoomarm geassosieer kon word. Die merker, Xus-OPK15800-7el, is die naaste aand die Lr19 geen. Hierdie merker is gebruik om twee vermoedelik verkorte Lr19-149 rekombinante te bevestig as van Lr19 oorsprong. 'n Derde rekombiant is ook getoets en die data dui daarop dat dit waarskynlik die merker verloor het en dus die mees bruikbare (kortste) rekominant moet wees.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1998.
Wheat -- Genetics, Plant genome mapping, Plant translocation, Leaf rust of wheat -- South Africa