Nutritional evaluation of alternative protein and energy sources in the Western Cape

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Field peas were evaluated as a substitute for soybean oilcake meal in growing-finishing pig diets. Four diets containing 16%, 32%, 48% & 64% field peas were evaluated. Digestion and metabolism trials revealed a significantly lower DE content, apparent N-retention and N-retention as percentage of N-intake for the 64% treatment. Performance data revealed that the inclusion of up to 32% of the field pea cultivar Glenroy in the diets of growing pigs will support maximum intake and growth rate levels, while inclusion rates of up to 48% in the diets did not affect feed conversion significantly.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vier groei-afrondings diëte vir varke met 0%, 16%, 32% en 48% voer-erte is geëvalueer as plaasvervanger vir sojaboon oliekoekmeel. Verterings- en metabolismestudies het 'n betekenisvolle afname in verteerbare energie (VE) inhoud asook in skynbare N-retensie en N-retendie as 'n persentasaie van N-inname in die 64% erte behandeling getoon. Groeidata toon dat 32% erte in die dieet geen nadelige effek sal hê op inname of groitempo (GDT) nie, terwyl 48% erte in die dieet geen nadelige effek of voeromsettings doeltreffendheid (VOD) sal hê nie.
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1998