Comparative study of technical alternatives for distribution systems

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vordering in drywingselektronika, spesifiek hekbeheerbarekomponente, het 'n nuwe reeks toestelle geïnisieer wat cFACTS genoem word. Die navorsing wat deur ESKOM gedoen is in uFACTS het in 1994 begin om die effek van hierdie toestelle op ESKOM se distribusienetwerk te bepaal. Dit is nou moontlik om die netwerkparamaters, in tyds, te beheer. Dit gee 'n nuwe dimensie van tegniese alternatiewe vir probleemoplossing aan die beplanningingenieur.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The advancement in power electronics, specifically gate controllable components, initiated a new series of devices called uFACTS. The research done by ESKOM into uFACTS started in 1994 to determine the effect of these devices on ESKOM's distribution network. It is now possible to control the network parameters. in real time, to solve some of the network problems. This gave a new dimension of technical alternatives for problem solving to the planning engineer.
Thesis (MEng)-- University of Stellenbosch, 1996.
Electric power distribution, Electric power systems, Dissertations -- Electrical engineering, Electric power distribution -- Alternating current