Chemiese beheer van Bromus diandrus Roth. in Triticum aestivum L. met clomazone en foraat

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Three glasshouse trials were conducted at the Welgevallen experimental farm to determine whether phorate protects Triticum aestivum L. against damage by clomazone without reducing the effect on Bromus diandrus Roth., whether there are differences in the tolerance of wheat cultivars against clomazone, and whether soil type has an Influence on the effectiveness of clomazone and phorate. With the placing of phorate in the planting furrows, clomazone has given satisfactory control of Bromus diandrus Roth., while phorate gave some protection to T. aestivum L. against clomazone. Slight differences were found in the sensitivity of wheat cultivars and barley (cv. Clipper) against clomazone. However, in practice these differences should not be significant. In sandy soil clomazone had a short residual effect, while it had a longer residual effect in clay soil. This can be contributed to greater adsorption of clomazone in the clay soil which may present problems in successive crops. It seems as if volatilization of clomazone in the glasshouse contributed to the damage of T. aestivum L. The recovery of I. aestivum L. however indicates that the use of phorate as a protectant against damage by clomazone is a possibility. Further trials however are needed under field conditions.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Drie glashuis-proewe is uitgevoer te Welgevallen-proefplaas om te bepaal of foraat beskerming verleen aan Triticum aestivum L. teen beskadiging deur clomazone sonder om die effektiwiteit teenoor Bromus diandrus Roth. te verlaag, of daar verskille in kultivargevoeligheid is teenoor clomazone en foraat, en of grondtipe 'n invloed het op die effektiwiteit van clomozone en foraat. Met die plasing van foraat in plantvoor het clomazone bevredigende beheer verskaf van B. diandrus Roth., terwyl foraat 'n mate van beskerming aan T. aestivum L. verleen het. Geringe verskille het voorgekom in die gevoeligheid van die koringkultivars en Clippergars teenoor clomazone, maar sal in die praktyk waarskynlik geen betekenisvolle effek he nie. In die sandgrond het comazone 'n kort nawerking gehad, terwyl dit 'n langer nawerking gehad het op die kleigrond. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan groter adsorpsie op die kleigrond wat probleme kan veroorsaak vir opvolggewasse. Alhoewel dit moontlik is dat vervlugtiging van clomazone in die glashuis bygedrae het tot beskadiging van T. aestivum L., toon die herstel van T. aestivum L.-plante dat foraat as beskermer teen clomazone mootnlikhede inhou. Verdere proewe sal egter onder veldtoestande uitgevoer moet word.
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1996.
Wheat -- Diseases and pests -- Control, Bromegrasses -- Control, Herbicide-resistant crops, Weeds -- Control, Herbicides, Dissertations -- Agriculture