The development of a multi-purpose beam/column testing apparatus

Koen, Colin Boyd
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A multi-purpose beam/column apparatus is developed to ensure successful testing of structural elements and to optimise the main test floor of the Structures Laboratory of the University of Stellenbosch. An overview of the testing of structural elements is given as background to beam and column testing, with specific reference to the test sample, the test arrangement and the test data. The test arrangement, with reference to the test setup boundary conditions (static and kinematic), and the loading are discussed. A summary of the collection and the processing of the test data is given and frequently used and standard test setup is described. The requirements and the various components of the testing apparatus are discussed and a three-dimensional CAD model of the apparatus is developed to illustrate the versatility of the apparatus. A rational planning process is developed to optimise the testing and pre-test planning process with specific reference to the use of the apparatus. This rational planning process is defined as the process of preparing, testing and evaluating structural tests and together with the literature review will ensure meaningful test results. The use of the apparatus, built by the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Stellenbosch and the use of the rational planning process are illustrated by testing the deflection of a welded truss, from which conclusions are drawn.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Veelsydige balkkolom apparaat is ontwikkel om die gebruik van die hoof-toetsvloer van die Struktuur Laboratorium van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch te optimiseer en suksesvolle struktuurtoetse te verseker. As agtergrond tot die ontwikkeling van die MTA word 'n oorsig gegee oor balk-en-kolom toetse, met spesifieke verwysings tot die toetsstuk, die toets-opstelling en die toets-data. Die toets-opstelling word bespreek met spesifieke verwysing na die grenstoestande (staties en kinematies) en die aangewende belasting. Die versameling en die verwerking van toetsdata en die algemeen gebruikte en standaard toets-opstellings word bespreek. Die vereistes van die verskillende komponente van die apparaat word bespreek en 'n driedimensionele CAD model van die apparaat word gebruik om die veelsydigheid van die apparaat te beklemtoon. 'n Rasionele beplanningsproses, wat spesifiek verwys na die gebruik van die apparaat, word ontwikkel. Hierdie beplanningsproses wat die beplanning, uitvoer en evaluasie van strukturele toetse insluit, saam met die literatuur agtergrond, verseker sinvolle toetsresultate. 'n Gesweisde vakwerk word getoets om die gebruik van die apparaat, gebou deur die Departement van Siviele Ingenieurswese, Universiteit van Stellenbosch en die gebruik van die rasionele beplanningsproses te illustreer. Gevolgtrekkings word gemaak na aanleiding van hierdie toetse.
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.
Girders -- Testing, Dissertations -- Civil engineering