Ontwikkeling van volhoubare toerisme as oplossing vir landelike armoede in Suider-Afrika

Albertyn, Rowan
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: More than half of the population of Southern Africa live in rural areas and lead a marginal existence. They are dependant on natural resources that are to their disposal for their survival. The resources that they use are renewable but are currently exploited faster that it can be replaced. The pressure that the rural populations are placing on nature cannot be sustained. The concept of "sustainable development" came into being in 1987. The principle of this new concept was to permit development as to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development proposes a lifestyle that preserve nature as well as social and cultural characteristics of a community. The tourism industry of Southern Africa has great potential and is still growing. Ecotourism, the idea of nature based tourism that will benefit both the socio-economic circumstances of the community and conservation, have increased in the past ten years. If ecotourism is managed correctly, it can be the answer to poverty in many rural communities and at the same time conserving nature. There are organisations that concentrate on sustainable rural development and that introduce communities to the potentials and benefits of the tourism industry. There are already communities that adopted this new paradigm with great success. The aim of this study is to make people conscious to the problem of rural poverty and the impacts it has had on the environment already. Secondly the study also presents a solution to rural poverty by the development of tourism in rural communities.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Meer as die helfte van Suider-Afrika se bevolking leef in landelike gebiede en voer 'n marginale bestaan. Hulle is aangewese op die natuurlike hulpbronne wat tot hulle beskikking is vir hulle voortbestaan. Die hulpbronne is hernubaar maar word tans vinniger verbruik as wat dit vervang word. Die druk wat die arm landelike bevolking op die natuur plaas kan nie volgehou word nie. In 1987 het die begrip "volhoubare ontwikkeling" die lig gesien. Die beginsel van die konsep is om ontwikkeling te laat geskied sodat daar aan die behoeftes van die hede voldoen word sonder om die behoeftes van die toekomstige geslagte te belemmer. Volhoubare ontwikkeling stel 'n lewenswyse voor wat nie net die natuur preserveer nie, maar ook die sosiale en kulturele sy van 'n gemeenskap. Die toerismebedryf in Suider-Afrika het baie potensiaal, en is steeds besig om te groei. Ekotoerisme, die idee van natuur-gebasseerde toerisme wat kan bydra tot die verbetering van sosio-ekonomiese toestande en bewaring van die omgewing, het toegeneem in die laaste tien jaar. Indien ekotoerisme reg bestuur word, kan dit vir 'n groot deel van die landelike bevolking 'n uitkoms tot armoede bied terwyl die natuur bewaar word. Daar is organisasies wat konsentreer op volhoubare landelike ontwikkeling en wat die gemeenskap bekend stel aan die voordele en potensiaal van die toerismebedryf. Daar het reeds verskeie gemeenskappe betrokke geraak in die toerismebedryf met groot welsae. Hierdie studie is 'n oorsig van bestaande literatuur oor die rol van toerisme en spesifiek, ekotoerisme in volhoubare ontwikkeling in landelike dele.
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.
Sustainable development -- Africa, Southern, Ecotourism -- Africa, Southern, Tourism -- Africa, Southern, Dissertations -- Town and regional planning, Theses -- Town and regional planning