Die verband tussen biosfeerreservate en omgewingsbestuur in Suid-Afrika

Venter, Christine
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Internationally a reconciliation of man and nature is taking place in environmental management, a movement in the direction of sustain ability. This movement also developed in South Africa, but against the background of the characteristics of the post-Apartheid phase in which the country is still at present. Various development programmes are undertaken in the name of sustainability, while in actual practice the full potential of existing environmental management tools for proactive, integrated environmental management and therefore the assurance of sustainability are not employed. In the time of rapid change in which South Africa is at present, it is important that an integrated, holistic, proactive, multi-disciplinary approach should be followed in environmental management. It is also important that the public should form part of the events, so that a learning process can take place in which shared visions and objectives for sustainable development can be identified. In the this study it was found that the model of the biosphere reserve offers a mechanism for planning based on public participation and the proactive demarcation of zones for the different functions of it. The concept of a biosphere reserve has various characteristics which give it the potential to offer a good framework for environmental management, if it can be executed in an integrated way. From the case study it is clear that there are various stumbling-blocks for the implementation of the biosphere reserve concept in South Africa. The country is therefore in the process of forming co-ordinating bodies on provincial as well as national level with the purpose of addressing several of these stumbling-blocks. Moss (2000) said the following at a seminar in this regard: "Rather than forming islands in a world increasingly affected by severe human impacts, they can become theatres for reconciling people and nature; they can bring knowledge of the past to the needs of the future".
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Internasionaal vind daar in omgewingsbestuur 'n versoening van die mens en natuur plaas, 'n beweging in die rigting van volhoubaarheid. Hierdie beweging het ook in Suid-Afrika posgevat, maar teen die agtergrond van die eienskappe van die post- Apartheidsfase waarin die land steeds is. Verskeie ontwikkelingsprogramme word in die naam van volhoubaarheid aangepak, terwyl daar in die praktyk nie van die volle potensiaal van die bestaande instrumente vir pro-aktiewe, geïntegreerde omgewingsbestuur en dus die versekering van volhoubaarheid gebruik gemaak word nie. In die tyd van vinnige verandering waarin Suid-Afrika tans is, is dit belangrik dat 'n geïntegreerde, holistiese, pro-aktiewe, multi-dissiplinêre benadering in omgewingsbestuur gevolg word. Verder is dit ook nodig dat die publiek deel van die gebeure sal wees sodat daar 'n leerproses kan plaasvind waarin gesamentlike visies en doelwitte vir volhoubare ontwikkeling geïdentifiseer kan word. In die hierdie studie is bevind dat die biosfeerreservaat-model 'n beplanningsmeganisme bied wat op publieke deelname en die pro-aktiewe afbakening van sones vir die verskillende funksies daarvan gebaseer is. Die biosfeerreservaatkonsep het verskeie eienskappe wat die potensiaal daaraan gee om 'n goeie raamwerk te bied vir omgewingsbestuur, indien dit geïntegreerd gedoen word. Uit die gevallestudie is dit egter duidelik dat daar verskeie struikelblokke vir die implementering van die biosfeerreservaat-konsep in Suid-Afrika is. Die land is steeds in die proses van vorming van koordineringsliggame op provinsiale en nasionale vlak ten einde hierdie struikelblokke aan te spreek. Moss (2000) het tydens 'n seminaar daaroor die volgende gesê: "Rather than forming islands in a world increasingly affected by severe human impacts, they can become theaters for reconciling people and nature; they can bring knowledge of the past to the needs of the future".
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
Environmental management -- South Africa -- Citizen participation, Sustainable development -- South Africa -- Management, Environmental management -- South Africa -- Case studies, Sustainable development -- South Africa -- Management -- Case studies, Dissertations -- Town and regional planning, Theses -- Town and regional planning