The teaching practice programme in the Central Region of the Eastern Cape Province

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The problem which led to this study was the restructuring of teacher education. There was a need to evaluate the existing teacher education programmes with the aim of developing and enriching them. This study aims at establishing how effective the school-based student teaching programme in colleges of education in the Eastern Cape is, with regard to the organisation, implementation, learning areas and duration of the programme. It appeared from the literature that the problems experienced with student teaching in general relate to quality, supervision, evaluation and the curriculum. These areas were included in a questionnaire which was used during the study. A survey was conducted among lecturers, student teachers and school teachers in order to gain a broader understanding of the programme. The empirical research revealed that the problems experienced by the target population in these colleges are related to those experienced in other countries. The results of the survey have implications for the three colleges, the schools where student teachers do their teaching practice and teacher education in general. These implications are discussed and some recommendations for further development of the programmes are made.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die probleem wat aanleiding gegee het tot hierdie studie was die herstrukturering van onderwyseropleiding. Die behoefte het ontstaan om die bestaande onderwysopleidingsprogramme te evalueer met die doel om hulle te ontwikkel en te verryk. Met hierdie studie word beoog om vas te stel hoe effektief die skoolgebaseerde studentonderwyser- opleidingsprogram in onderwyskolleges in die Oos-Kaap is, met betrekking tot hul organisasie, implementering, leerareas en die duur van die programme. Uit die literatuurstudie het dit geblyk dat die probleme wat algemeen ondenrind word in onderwysopleiding, te make het met gehalte, toesighouding, evaluering en die kurrikulum. Hierdie onderwerpe is ingesluit in 'n vraelys wat tydens die studie gebruik is. Die opname is gedoen onder dosente, student-onderwysers en onderwysers om 'n breer perspektief van die program te kry. Die- empiriese studie dui daarop dat die probleme wat by die drie OosKaapse kolleges ervaar word, nie juis verskil van die in ander lande nie. Die resultate van die ondersoek hou implikasies in vir die drie kolleges wat betrek is, vir skole waar die student-onderwysers hulle prakties doen en vironderwyseropleiding in die algemeen. Die implikasies word bespreek en voorstelle word gemaak vir die verdere ontwikkeling van die programme.
Thesis (M Ed) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
Student teaching -- South Africa, Teachers -- Training of -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Education