Paul and freedom : implications for hermeneutics and theology

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Freedom plays an important role in the Pauline letters and has usually been explained with reference to three theological matters: freedom from the law, sin and death. Freedom, however, characterises Pauline hermeneutics and theology in a more comprehensive way. Sadly, these notions of freedom are not allowed to emerge and this is, to a large extent, due to the overwhelming presence of the traditional approach in understanding Paul. This approach to Paul is characterised by a spiritual and individualist reading of the apostle's letters, dating back to the sixteenth century and is continued, also in scholarly literature, to this day. Recent attempts to wrestle Paul free from this interpretive framework have been only mildly successful. Attention to Paul's use of the scriptures of Israel in his letters allows for his hermeneutics to emerge more clearly as embedded within the traditions of the first century, yet clearly having a ecclesiocentric goal. The study of Paul's use of Scripture makes it possible to show how theological and hermeneutical freedoms interact and mutually inform one another in his letters. Pauline hermeneutics, along with the interpretive practices present in the first century and early ยท church, have to be reevaluated today, for its potential to render new readings of Scripture. At the same time, the study of Pauline hermeneutics enables a reappropriation of the apostle's letters, encouraging renewed dialogue with these writings to the benefit of the contemporary global community.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vryheid is 'n belangrike tema in die Pauliniese briewe en word gewoonlik aangespreek met verwysing na drie teologiese sake: vryheid van die wet, sonde en dood. Vryheid is egter kenmerkend van die Pauliniese literatuur op 'n veel meer omvattende wyse. Dit is dus teleurstellend dat die ander aspekte van vryheid in Paulus nie tot hulle reg kom nie. Hierdie toedrag van sake word aan die ingrypende invloed van die tradisionele verstaan van Paulus toegeskryf. Hierdie interpretasie raamwerk wat gekenmerk word deur 'n vergeesteliking en individualisering van die briewe van Paulus, dateer terug tot die sestiende eeu en word tot vandag toe aangetref, selfs in akademiese kringe. Onlangse pogings om Paulus uit die wurggreep van die tradisionele verstaan te bevry het tot dusver beperkte sukses getoon. Die studie van Paulus se gebruik van die geskrifte van Israel in sy briewe veroorsaak dat sy hermeneutiek op duideliker na vore te kom as enersyds eietyds tot die eerste eeu, maar andersyds ook met 'n ooglopende ekklesiosentriese doel. Dit is juis die studie van Paulus se gebruik van die Skrif wat dit moontlik maak om die noue interaksie tussen vryheid in teologiese sin en vryheid op hermeneutiese vlak in sy briewe aan te toon. Pauliniese hermeneutiek, soos ook ander hermeneutiese praktyke in die eerste eeu en vroeg-Christelike kerk, moet vir vandag herwaardeer word vir hulle vermoe om nuwe interpretasie moontlikhede van die bybelse teks moontlik te maak. Terselfdertyd is die studie van Paulus se hermeneutiek wat nuwe leesmoontlikhede vir sy briewe daarstel, en dialoog aanmoedig met hierdie literatuur tot voordeel van die huidige, bree wereldgemeenskap.
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 1999.
Bible. Epistles of Paul -- Criticism, interpretation, etc., Bible. Epistles of Paul -- Hermeneutics, Liberty -- Regious aspects -- Christianity -- Biblical teaching