Media en die teater : 'n praktiese ondersoek na die gebruike van film, televisie en video in twee Suid-Afrikaanse produksies

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this essay is to research the frequent use of the electronic media in the theatre by contemporary theatre practitioners in South Africa. The term media indicates specifically television, film and video usage for the purpose of this essay. The ways in which media is used in the theatre include tools, techniques, themes and characters. The use of elements from the media, when used in the theatre, is a theatrical equivalent of the media elements within a theatrical framework with goals different from those normally applicable to the media. The research started with a look at the history of the relationship between media and the theatre on an international level, and it was found that there has been cross-fertilization between media and the theatre since the development of film. This cross-fertilization does not only imply tools and techniques, but also theatre and media practitioners, who work in both mediums and thus incorporate their ideas and expertise of one medium into the other. The reason for this cross-fertilization is that media developed, as an entertainment medium, out of live performance and that the basis of the different mediums is the same. Theatre practitioners started to incorporate aspects from the media in live performance as the media became the public's greatest source of entertainment and information, and thus an important field of reference. The use of aspects of media in theatre also gives theatre practitioners new means of expression and different levels of communication, not only through the use of media tools like television monitors but also because the medium used implies certain conventions of that medium to the audience. To evaluate the effective use of media in the theatre, two recent productions were looked at, Baal by Bertolt Brecht, translated and adapted by Arnold Blumer and Chris Vorster, directed by Chris Vorster, and The War of the Worlds, based on H.G. Wells's book, adapted and directed by Samantha Pienaar. Both were performed at the H.B. Thom Theatre, Stellenbosch, by the Department of Drama, U.S. My findings are that the media can be successfully used in the theatre. The media must though, be used as would any other design element in the theatre, to support theme; plot and concept. If used as external decoration only, media elements would undermine the creativity and imagination of theatre.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werkstuk ondersoek die tendens onder hedendaagse teaterpraktisyns in Suid-Afrika om gebruik te maak van die elektroniese media in die teater. Vir die doel van die werkstuk word met media spesifiek bedoel film, televisie en video. Die maniere waarop die media gebruik word in die teater sluit die gebruik van mediatoerusting, mediategnieke, temas en karakters in. Die gebruik van media-elemente, wanneer dit in die teater gebruik word, word teater-ekwivalente van die media-elemente binne 'n teaterraamwerk, met ander doelstellings as wat normaalweg met die media geassosieer word. Die ondersoek kyk na die geskiedenis van die verwantskap tussen die media en die teater op internasionale vlak, en daar is gevind dat kruisbestuiwing tussen die media en die teater al plaasgevind het sedert die ontwikkeling van film. Die kruisbestuiwing sluit teater- en mediapraktisyns in, wat in albei mediums werk en dus hul kennis en idees van een medium oordra na 'n ander. Die rede vir hierdie kruisbestuiwing blyk te wees dat die media as vermaaklikheidsmedium ontwikkel het uit lewendige optrede en dat die grondbeginsels van die mediums dieselfde is. Teater het aspekte uit die media in lewendige opvoerings begin betrek omdat dit die algemene publiek se grootste bron van vermaak en informasie geword het, en dus vir die teater 'n nuwe verwysingsraamwerk verskaf het. Die gebruik van aspekte uit die media bied ook nuwe metodes van ekspressie aan teaterpraktisyns, nie net deur die gebruik van mediatoerusting so os televisiemonitors nie, maar ook omdat die medium wat gebruik word se konvensies nogsteeds aanvaar word deur gehore in In teater. Om die effektiwiteit van media in die teater te ondersoek is gekyk na twee onlangse opvoerings waarin dit aangewend was, Baal deur Bertolt Brecht, verwerk deur Arnold Blumer en Chris Vorster, met regie deur Chris Vorster, en The War of the Worlds, gebaseer op H.G. Wells se boek, verwerk en geregisseur deur Samantha Pienaar. Albei is opgevoer by die H.B. Thom Teater, Stellenbosch deur die Departement Drama, U.S. Die studie bevestig dat die media suksesvol in die teater gebruik kan word. Daar moet egter gesorg word dat dit soos enige ander ontwerpselement in die teater die temas, storie en konsep van die toneelstuk ondersteun anders kan dit die kreatiwiteit en verbeelding van teater ondermyn.
Thesis (M. Dram.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
Theater -- Production and direction -- Audio-visual aids, Dissertations -- Drama