Die bydrae van Walther Blersch as stadsklerk tot die argitektoniese nalatenskap van Stellenbosch

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Walther Felix Alois Blersch was born in Stellenbosch in 1888. He was the oldest son of Fridolin Blersch ( 1861 - 1897) who was the second head of the first Agricultural School in South Africa. After the early death of his father in 1897, his mother with her family returned in 1901 to Germany where Walther continued his scholastic career. Between 1908 and 1912 he studied at the "Konigliche Technische Hochschule" in Stuttgart except for a short period between 1910 and 1911 when he studied architecture at the "Konigliche Bayerische Technische Hochschule" in München. After obtaining his Engineering Diploma in Stuttgart, he entered the study of Prof. Peter Behrens. Thereafter he joined the "lntendantur XIII. (K. W.) Armeekorps" as an architect. He was interned at Ruhleben at the outbreak of World War 1 in 1914. After his release in 1919 he married Dr. Grete Hohrath (1890 - 1938). As from 1920 he worked as instructor for the "Zentralstelle für Gewerbe und Handel" in Germany; as bank clerk in Utrecht, Netherlands and back to Germany as architect for Rudolf Behr. On being appointed Town Clerk of Stellenbosch in 1924 he returned to his town of birth. After loosing his wife to cancer in 1938, he married Judith Nel. As one of Stellenbosch's most popular and loved Town Clerks he made many friends. Upon Blersch's arrival in Stellenbosch during 1924, most of the existing buildings were Cape Dutch, Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian. With his interest in the Arts and Crafts Movement, the Mediterranean, Art Nouveau and Art Deco Styles, he strives for harmony or meaningful contrast and co-existance by searching for the contemporary equivalents of the essential qualities in Stellenbosch's historical architecture. Today it can be seen in various public buildings and structures which were designed by him among which are the boundary walls behind the Seminary and in front and west of the Town Hall, a double arched bell-tower for the Rhenish Church, a school for the Anglican Church in Joubert Street (now demolished), the well-known Rozenhof in Dorp Street, an inspiring gate and pillars in front of the Sanatorium, pergola and public conveniences for the Jan Marais Park and Agricultural Hall as well as furniture for the council-chamber. He is also acknowledged as the architect of his own home at 1 Mankadan Street and those of his various friends and acquaintances. Walther Blersch's term as Town Clerk officially ended in 1956, but for the next 15 years he remained with the Municipality in advisory capacity and attended Board meetings up to his death on 19 August 1971.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Walther Felix Alois Blersch is in 1888 op Stellenbosch gebore as die eerstelingseun van Fridolin Blersch (1861 - 1897), tweede hoof van die eerste Landbouskool in Suid-Afrika. Na die vroee dood van sy vader in 1897 keer Walther se moeder met haar kinders in 1901 terug na Duitsland, waar Walther sy skoolopleiding voortsit. Hy studeer tussen 1908 en 1912 aan die "Konigliche Technische Hochschule" in Stuttgart, met 'n kort onderbreking tussen 1910 en 1911 toe hy argitektuur aan die "Konigliche Bayerische Technische Hochschule" in München studeer het. Nadat hy sy Diploma in Ingenieurswese in Stuttgart verwerf het, werk hy in die ateljee van prof. Peter Behrens en as argitek vir die "Intendantur XIII. (K.W.) Armeekorps". Met die uitbreek van die Eerste Wêreldoorlog in 1914 word hy te Ruhleben geinterneer. Na sy vrylating in 1919 het hy met dr. Grete Hohrath (1890 - 1938) getrou. Vanaf 1920 werk hy as instrukteur vir die "Zentralstelle für Gewerbe und Handel" in Duitsland, as bankklerk in Utrecht, Nederland en terug in Duitsland as argitek vir Rudolf Behr. In 1924 ontvang hy die aanstelling as Stellenbosch se stadsklerk en keer teen die einde van die jaar terug na sy geboortedorp. Sy vrou sterf egter in 1938 in Stellenbosch aan kanker en hy trou met Judith Nel. As een van Stellenbosch se geliefde en beminde stadsklerke, met 'n oop hart en kantoordeur, het hy baie vriende gemaak. Met Blersch se aankoms gedurende 1924 in Stellenbosch, was die meeste bestaande geboue in die Kaaps-Hollandse, Georgiaanse, Victoriaanse en Eduardiaanse style opgerig. Met sy belangstelling in die "Arts and Crafts"-Beweging, die Mediterreense-, Art Nouveau en Art Deco-style het hy egter daarna gestreef om met die bestaande strukture te harmonieer deur in terme van 'n eietydse idioom die ekwivalent te soek van die essensiele kwaliteite van die ouer argitektuur van Stellenbosch. Dit kan vandag gesien word in verskeie openbare geboue en strukture wat deur hom ontwerp is, waaronder die grensmure agter die Kweekskool en aan die voor- en westekant van die Stadsaal, 'n dubbelboog-kloktoring vir die Rynse Kerk, 'n skool vir die Anglikaanse Kerk in Joubertstraat (reeds gesloop ), die veelbesproke Rozenhof bo in Dorpstraat, indrukwekkende hekpilare voor die destydse Sanatorium, 'n prieel en openbare geriewe vir die Jan Marais Park en Landbousaal asook meubels vir die Stellenbosse Raadsaal. Hy word ook erken as die argitek vir sy eie woning te Mankadanstraat 1 en die van sy onderskeie vriende en kennisse. Walther Blersch se termyn as stadsklerk het amptelik in 1956 geëindig, maar vir die volgende 15 jaar het hy in 'n raadgewende hoedanigheid by die Munisipaliteit aangebly en voortgegaan om Raadsvergaderings, by te woon tot sy dood op 19 Augustus 1971.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1999.