The contribution of adult learning centres in educating communities on HIV/AIDS and related issues

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Most people infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) do not know they carry the virus. HIV is the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (more commonly known as AIDS). Many people know nothing or too little about HIV to protect themselves against it. Mainstream educational and some private sector services currently expose their learners or workers to HIV/AIDS education and training. Despite these services there are three groups of adults who would not benefit from the available HIV/AIDS education services. They are the unemployed (including dropouts from the mainstream schooling system), those working in the informal sector (e.g. hawkers, taxi drivers, chars, etc.) and those working for companies that do not see HIV/AIDS education as a priority. The aim of this study is to see if a HIV/AIDS training programme targeting adult learners leads to a greater awareness about HIV/AIDS and related issues. This study utilised an experimental design. The study was based on the two group pretest, post-test, post-past-test design. The data-collection instruments used in this study were questionnaires, interviews and literature reviews. During the pretest there were no statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group. However, at the posttest, there was a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group, e.g. on issues like the difference between HIV and AIDS, the window period, that mosquitoes cannot pass on the HIV to humans, and that there is no cure for HIV/AIDS. At the postpost test stage the experimental group still knew more about HIV/AIDS and related issues compared to the control group. The participants, who were part of the experimental group, were also able to share HIV/AIDS information with family members, friends and colleagues, and they realized the importance of HIV/AIDS education for all, which would reduce or eradicate stigmatization and discrimination against infected people. It is recommended that the HIV/AIDS training should not only be knowledge-based, but rather be coupled with skills training and development. The latter combination will allow learners to be even more effective and better equipped to share important and relevant HIV/AIDS information with significant others. Parents who will be able to talk to their children about HIV/AIDS issues will create an environment of trust between them and at the same time their children can also verify information they had gotten from the 'street'. In order to reach more people regarding HIV/AIDS education it is thus recommended that ALCs (Adult Learning Centres) and the private sector should start negotiations about how they can complement each other in terms of educating not only their workers, but also their workers' family members. Hoping for a vaccine or cure for HIV/AIDS at this stage is an unsound strategy. We might not have a medical vaccine, but our only vaccine against HIV is education. The relevant South African government departments (Education, Health and Labour) together with the private sector and NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) need to start negotiations in order to share a common goal and vision regarding HIV/AIDS education and training. Further research regarding HIV/AIDS and related issues remains of the utmost importance.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meeste mense wat besmet is met die menslike immuniteitsgebreksvirus (MIV) weet nie dat hulle draers is van die virus nie. MIV is die virus wat die verworwe immuniteitsgebreksindroom (meer algemeen bekend as VIGS) veroorsaak. Baie mense weet niks of te min van VIGS om hulle daarteen te beskerm. Hoofstroomonderwys en sommige privaatsektor dienste is huidiglik besig om hul leerders of werknemers bloot te stel aan MIV/VIGS onderwys en opleiding. Ten spyte van hierdie dienste is daar drie groepe volwassenes wat nie sal baat vind by die beskikbare MIV/VIGS onderwysdienste nie. Die drie groepe volwassenes is die werkloses (insluitende diegene wat nie hulle skoolloopbane voltooi nie), diegene in die informele sektor (bv. smouse, huurmotorbestuurders, huishulpe, ens.) en diegene wat werk vir sake-ondernemings wat nie MIV/VIGS as 'n prioriteit sien nie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te sien of 'n MIV/VIGS opleidingsprogram sal lei tot 'n groter bewustheid aangaande MIV/VIGS en verwante sake. Die studie maak gebruik van 'n eksperimentele ontwerp. Die studie was gebaseer op die twee groep voortoets, natoets, post-natoets ontwerp. Die data-insamelingsinstrumente wat in hierdie studie gebruik was, was vraelyste, onderhoude en literatuurstudies. Gedurende die voortoets was daar geen statisties-beduidende verskil tussen die eksperimentele groep en die kontrole groep nie. Daar was egter 'n statisties-beduidende verskil te bespeur tussen die eksperimentele groep en die kontrole groep by die natoets stadium, byvoorbeeld oor sake aangaande die verskil tussen MIV en VIGS, die venster periode, dat muskiete nie die MIV kan oordra aan mense nie en dat daar geen geneesmiddel is vir MIV/VIGS nie. By die post-natoets stadium het die eksperimentele groep nog steeds meer geweet van MIV/VIGS en verwante sake as die kontrole groep. Die deelnemers wat deel was van die eksperimentele groep kon ook MIV/VIGS informasie met familie, vriende en kollega's deel; en het hulle ook die belangrikheid van MIV/VIGS opleiding vir almal besef, wat dit die stigma en diskriminasie teen mense wat besmet is met die virus sal verminder of uitskakel. Daar word aanbeveel dat die MIV/VIGS opleiding nie net kennis-gebaseer moet wees nie, maar ook gekoppel word aan vaardigheidsopleiding en -ontwikkeling. Laasgenoemde kombinasie sal leerders selfs effektiewer en beter toerus om belangrike en relevante MIV/VIGS inligting met ander te kan deel. Ouers wat in staat sal wees om met hul kinders te praat oor MIV/VIGS verwante sake sal 'n omgewing van vertroue skep tussen hulle en hul kinders en terselfdertyd sal hul kinders ook inligting kan verifieer wat hulle van die 'straat' kry. Om meer mense te kan bereik aangaande MIV/VIGS opleiding, word dus aanbeveel dat volwasse-onderwyssentra en die privaatsektor onderhandelinge aanknoop oor hoe hulle mekaar kan aanvul, nie net in terme van die opvoeding van hul werkers nie, maar ook hul werkers se gesinslede. Om te hoop op 'n entstof of geneesmiddel vir MIV/VIGS op hierdie stadium is nie 'n goeie benadering om die probleem aan te spreek nie. Ons mag geen mediese entstof hê nie, maar ons enigste entstof teen VIGS is opvoeding. Die relevante Suid Afrikaanse regeringsdepartemente (Onderwys, Gesondheid en Arbeid) tesame met die privaatsektor en NROs (Nie-Regering Organisasies) moet daadwerklike onderhandelinge begin, sodat hulle 'n gemeenskaplike doel en visie deel rakende MIV/VIGS onderwys en opleiding. Verdere navorsing rakende MIV/VIGS en verwante sake bly van kardinale belang.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.
Unemployed -- Training of -- South Africa, AIDS (Disease), Dissertations -- Education, Aids awareness, HIV/Aids training programme