Delft SAPS as an instrument for community development

Booysen, Freddie
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken to determine whether a lack of effective service delivery at the South African Police Service at Delft was due to a lack of community participation and development in Delft. Data was collected through a plurality of research methodologies, including participatory action research by means of interviews with role players and participative observation; a literature study; a diachronical study, application of relevant legislation as a guideline as well as input gained by means of discussion with various experts. The collected data was analysed in relation to the theme, the objective of the study and the research hypothesis. The following observations were made as a result of the study: • The local police station SAPS Delft, by acting as a catalyst, has assisted in the establishment of many structures in the community; and • The erecting of a new police station facilitated community participation and development. The study, having considered the observations and drawn conclusions, has offered a number of recommendations namely: • The erecting of a new police station should take place simultaneously with the development of the township where it is situated. By this means all role players will participate. • The local government and relevant national government departments are of the utmost importance when it comes to addressing the root causes of the problems in the community or when putting alternatives in place. The location of a police station should be such that its convenience and accessibility will result in enhanced and sustainable service delivery, provided that the community capitalises on it. Finally, to ensure success, there must be education and training of both the police and the community, facilitated by the SAPS, government departments and NGOs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is onderneem om vas te stel of die gebrek aan effektiewe dienslewering by Delft Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie Diens te wyte is aan die gebrek aan gemeenskapsdeelname en -ontwikkeling in Delft. Data is ingesamel deur middel van ‘n pluraliteit van navorsingsmetodologië, insluitend die volgende: deelnemende aksie navorsing deur onderhoude met rol spelers en deelnemende waarneming; ‘n literatuurstudie; ‘n diakroniese studie, toepassing van relevante wetgewing as ‘n riglyn asook insae verkry deur besprekings met ‘n verskeidenheid kenners. Die ingesamelde data is geanaliseer in verhouding tot die tema en die doelwitte van die studie en is vergelyk met die navorsingshipotese. Die volgende waarnemings is uit die studie gemaak: • Die plaaslike polisiestasie, Delft SAPD, het as katalisator gedien om baie strukture in die gemeenskap tot stand te bring; en • Die oprigting van ‘n nuwe polisiestasie het gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid en - ontwikkeling gefasiliteer. Die waarnemings in ag geneem, is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die volgende aanbevelings gemaak word: • Die bou van ‘n nuwe polisiestasie moet saam met die ontwikkeling van ‘n woonbuurt geskied, waarby alle rolspelers betrokke moet wees; en • Die plaaslike regering en relevante departemente is van kardinale belang by die aanspreek van die oorsake van probleme in gemeenskappe of om alternatiewe in plek te stel. Die aanwesigheid van ‘n bereikbare en toeganklike polisiekantoor sal beter en volhoubare dienslewering tot gevolg hê indien die gemeenskap daarop kapitaliseer. Laastens verg dit egter opvoeding, vir die polisie sowel as die gemeenskap, en gefasiliteer deur SAPD, staatsdepartemente en nie-regeringsorganisasies om sukses te verseker.
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
South African Police Service -- Evaluation, Community development, Community development -- Case studies, Civil service -- South Africa -- Delft, Theses -- Public management and planning, Dissertations -- Public management and planning