Mobile phone radiation does not induce pro-apoptosis effects in human Spermatozoa

Falzone N.
Huyser C.
Franken D.R.
Leszczynski D.
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Recent reports suggest that mobile phone radiation may diminish male fertility. However, the effects of this radiation on human spermatozoa are largely unknown. The present study examined effects of the radiation on induction of apoptosis-related properties in human spermatozoa. Ejaculated, density-purified, highly motile human spermatozoa were exposed to mobile phone radiation at specific absorption rates (SARs) of 2.0 and 5.7 W/kg. At various times after exposure, flow cytometry was used to examine caspase 3 activity, externalization of phosphatidylserine (PS), induction of DNA strand breaks, and generation of reactive oxygen species. Mobile phone radiation had no statistically significant effect on any of the parameters studied. This suggests that the impairment of fertility reported in some studies was not caused by the induction of apoptosis in spermatozoa. © 2010 by Radiation Research Society.
caspase 3, lipocortin 5, phosphatidylserine, reactive oxygen metabolite, apoptosis, article, DNA fragmentation, DNA strand breakage, enzyme activation, enzyme activity, flow cytometry, human, male, mobile phone, normal human, priority journal, radiation exposure, spermatozoon motility, Apoptosis, Caspase 3, Caspases, Cellular Phone, Fertility, Humans, Infertility, Male, Male, Oxidative Stress, Paternal Exposure, Spermatozoa
Radiation Research