Additive manufacturing for the spare part management of classic cars

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The maintenance of older vehicles can be challenging since the supply of spare parts by the original equipment manufacturer is not guaranteed throughout the lifespan of a vehicle. Thus, there is a need to improve the current spare part supply chain for the automotive industry specifically for outdated products like classic cars. Within the automotive industry additive manufacturing (AM) technology is already being implemented in the production cycle of new cars. The need to improve the supply of spare parts for classic cars and the increased use of the AM technology raised the question whether additive manufacturing can have an impact on the spare part management of classic cars. In order to answer this question, this research study started with the review of literature. Three critical scoping literature reviews were undertaken to analyse the current performance of the spare part management of classic cars and to identify spare part attributes for the ranking of spare parts according to their potential for additive manufacturing. To fully understand the spare part management of classic cars, a first literature study on the classic car market was conducted. A second literature review on spare part management within the automotive industry utilized a performance measurement model to measure the impact of adopting additive manufacturing. Based on this, the applicability of additive manufacturing was the subject of the third literature review. Results show that a potential for additive manufacturing exists, and it can be measured with spare part attributes. Based on these results, it was decided to follow an exploratory research design approach. A survey was conducted with classic car owners to identify sourcing problems of spare parts and to assess their willingness to adopt additive manufacturing. The data from the survey was analysed using a ranking methodology from science which was modified toward the application of additive manufacturing on the spare part management of classic cars. The outcome of the ranking highlighted that small parts (e.g. switches) and batches are best suitable for additive manufacturing. A Delphi survey with subject-matter experts validated the ranking method. A case study was carried out in which a speedometer gear was reverse-engineered, additive manufactured and tested under realistic conditions. The case study highlighted that additive manufacturing is feasible to produce spare parts on demand and on a decentralized implementation strategy. Overall, this research has shown that additive manufacturing has a high potential to impact the spare part management of classic cars. The research result showed that unsatisfied customer demand is recognised. Additive manufacturing is a technologically feasible solution to produce many spare parts and has the high potential to increase the supply chain performance of classic car spare parts.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die instandhouding van ouer voertuie kan uitdagend wees aangesien die verskaffing van onderdele deur die oorspronklike toerusting vervaardiger nie deur die lewensduur van 'n voertuig gewaarborg word nie. Daar is dus 'n behoefte om die huidige onderdele-voorsienings ketting vir die motorbedryf te verbeter, spesifiek vir verouderde produkte soos klassieke motors. Binne die motorbedryf word additive manufacturing (AM) tegnologie reeds in die produksie siklus van nuwe motors geïmplementeer. Die behoefte om die verskaffing van onderdele vir klassieke motors te verbeter en die verhoogde gebruik van die AM-tegnologie het die vraag laat ontstaan of bykomende vervaardiging 'n impak op die onderdelebestuur van klassieke motors kan hê. Drie kritiese literatuur oorsigte is onderneem om die huidige prestasie van die onderdele bestuur van klassieke motors te karteer. Eerstens is 'n literatuuroorsig oor die klassieke motormark gedoen. Die volgende twee literatuur oorsigte oor onderdele bestuur binne die motorbedryf en bykomende vervaardiging vir motoronderdele het 'n prestasie metings model gebruik om die impak van die aanvaarding van bykomende vervaardiging te meet. Resultate toon dat 'n potensiaal vir bykomende vervaardiging bestaan. Op grond van hierdie resultate is daar besluit om 'n verkennende navorsings ontwerp benadering te volg. ’n Opname is met eienaars van klassieke motors gedoen om die verkrygings probleme van onderdele te identifiseer en om hul gewilligheid om bykomende vervaardiging aan te neem, te bepaal. Die data van die opname is ontleed deur gebruik te maak van 'n rangorde metodologie uit die wetenskap wat aangepas is na die toepassing van bykomende vervaardiging op die onder delebestuur van klassieke motors. Die uitkoms van die rangorde het beklemtoon dat klein onderdele (bv. skakelaars) en groepe die beste geskik is vir bykomende vervaardiging. 'n Delphi-opname met vakkundiges het die rangorde metode bekragtig. ’n Gevallestudie is uitgevoer waarin ’n spoed-meterrat omgekeerd ontwerp is, ´n bymiddel vervaardig en onder realistiese toestand getoets is. Die gevallestudie het beklemtoon dat bykomende vervaardiging haalbaar is om onderdele op aanvraag en volgens 'n gedesentraliseerde implementering strategie te vervaardig. Oor die algemeen het hierdie navorsing getoon dat bykomende vervaardiging 'n hoë potensiaal het om die onderdele bestuur van klassieke motors te beïnvloed. Die navorsings resultaat het getoon dat die onbevredigde vraag erken word. Bykomende vervaardiging is 'n tegnologiese haalbare oplossing om baie onderdele te vervaardig en het die hoë potensiaal om die voorsienings ketting prestasie van klassieke motoronderdele te verhoog.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Additive manufacturing, Automotive engineering, Classic cars, Spare part, Supply chain management, 3D printing, UCTD