Image analysis and theory of spatially confined cytoskeletal filaments

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An existing self-consistent approach to calculating density was used to model linear as well as branched polymer networks within a selection of confining re- gions with hard-boundaries. Density and alignment profiles could be determined by numerically solving linear and non-linear integral equations. A more detailed calculation involving correlation functions was presented and results were shown to agree with that of the self-consistent approach to calculating density for a small system. An adaption was made to the self-consistent approach to calculat- ing density in order to introduce volume/area exclusion effects and the resulting equations were found to converge numerically provided the values were partially updated per iteration. An existing image analysis technique was implemented on microscopy data to extract density and alignment profiles which could in principle be compared with theoretical predictions from the model.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Bestaande gemiddelde veldbenadering is gebruik om lineˆere sowel as vertakte polimeernetwerke binne ’n seleksie van beperkende gebiede met harde grense te modelleer. Digtheid en belyningsprofiele kan bepaal word deur lineˆere en nie- lineˆere integrale vergelykings numeries op te los. ’n Meer gedetailleerde bereken- ing met betrekking tot korrelasiefunksies is aangebied, en die resultate stem ooreen met die van die gemiddelde veldberekenings vir ’n klein stelsel. ’n Aan- passing is aangebring aan die gemiddelde veldmodel om volume-/oppervlakte- uitsluitingseffekte bekend te stel en die gevolglike vergelykings kon numeries kon- vergeer mits die waardes gedeeltelik bygewerk word per iterasie. ’n Bestaande beeldontledingstegniek is op mikroskopiese data ge ̈ımplementeer om digtheid- en belyningsprofiele te onttrek wat in beginsel vergelyk kan word met teoretiese voorspellings uit die model.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Branched polymers, Linear polymer networks, Density calculation, Polymer networks, UCTD