The body of the photograph: fragments and relations of desire

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research project investigates what I refer to as the body of the photograph. I consider the practice, process and experience of artmaking as crucial components that all have bearing on the materiality and object-oriented nature of the photographic works I produce. Central to my research stands the idea of desire as a productive agent. I explore this concept in relation to the different bodies and environments that were both the subject matter and substance of my work. Finally, the idea of fragmentation is used to speak about the body of the photograph as a collective of fragmented material and visual parts assembled through desire. My research, as well as the discursive and tangible outcomes thereof, takes the form of this thesis as well as an exhibition of artworks, titled Bitter-Sweet-Salt
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsprojek ondersoek dit waarna ek verwys as die liggaam van die foto. Ek beskou die praktyk, proses en die ervaring van kunsmaak as deurslaggewende komponente wat elkeen betrekking het op die materialiteit en objekgeoriënteerde aard van die fotografiese werke wat ek skep. Die idee van verlange (desire) as ‘n produktiewe agent staan sentraal in my navorsing. Ek verken hierdie konsep met betrekking tot die verskillende liggame en omgewings wat beide die onderwerp en inhoud van my werk was. Laastens word die idee van fragmentasie gebruik om die liggaam van die foto as ‘n versameling van gefragmenteerde materiaal en visuele dele wat deur begeerte saamgevoeg is, te bespreek. My navorsing, sowel as die diskursiewe en tasbare uitkomste daarvan, neem die vorm van hierdie tesis aan, tesame met ‘n uitstalling van kunswerke getitled Bitter-Soet-Sout.
Thesis (MA(VA))--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Photography, Artistic, Salt Printing, Desire in art, Human figure in art, Photography, UCTD