Psychosocial and economie implications of trichotillomania: A pilot study in a south african sample

Seedat S.
Stein D.J.
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Trichotillomania (TTM) is increasingly being recognized as a prevalent disorder. Nevertheless, few data are available regarding the effects of TTM on quality of life or the economic costs associated with this disorder. Tico hundred members of the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Association of South Africa were surveyed in this pilot study, using a detailed selfreport questionnaire. Of the 75 respondents, 27 reported hair pulling as a symptom. Results from this investigation indicate that hair pulling may be associated with substantial morbidity, including significant effects on occupational, academic, social, and family functioning. Additional costs may be incurred by delays in seeking treatment and incorrect diagnoses. While further icork in a larger sample of patients is clearly needed, psychoeducation of practitioners and the public on TTM may result in earlier referral, diagnosis, treatment, and greater cost savings in the long term.
serotonin uptake inhibitor, adolescent, adult, clinical article, clinical feature, comorbidity, cost, demography, disease course, economic aspect, female, human, male, priority journal, quality of life, review, school child, South Africa, trichotillomania
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