A low-cost, fluorescence-based amyloid fibrin(ogen) sensing device for systemic inflammation detection

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerativediseases are amongst the top leading causes of death globally. Chronic systemic inflam-mation is inextricably linked to the onset and development of NCDs. In light of thisglobal disease burden, the need for affordable and portable inflammation screening andmonitoring tests is evident.This thesis reports on the development and evaluation of a low-cost fluorescence sens-ing device for the detection of the inflammatory marker, amyloid fibrin(ogen), in humanplatelet poor plasma (PPP). The prototype employs a spectrofluorometric-based designand raw smartphone imaging to quantify the fluorescence intensity emitted by samples ofPPP to which the amyloid-staining fluorescent marker, Amytracker630, has been added.It has been shown that the prototype successfully excites bound Amytracker630, elimi-nates background light, detects fluorescence within the Amytracker630 emission spectrum,and quantifies the detected fluorescence intensity. The design is affordable, compact, light-weight and USB-powered. The prototype was used to test Amytracker630-stained PPP samples from colorectal can-cer (CRC), psoriasis (PSO), and control patients. On average, the fluorescence intensitymeasurements of the CRC and PSO samples were higher than that of the control sam-ples. An analysis of variance and post-hoc test showed a significant difference between thecontrol and CRC group means, and also between the control and PSO group means. How-ever, the results from further tests, in which stained reconstituted fibrinogen samples wereanalysed, suggested that Amytracker630 molecules also interact with other non-amyloidplasma molecules and possibly experience aggregation-induced fluorescence. Therefore, itwas concluded that the fluorescence emissions from the stained PPP samples could not beattributed solely to the presence of amyloid fibrin(ogen). Certain plasma molecules, likefibrinogen, are upregulated during inflammation. Therefore, the fluorescence-inducing in-teraction between the Amytracker630 and such plasma molecules may have contributedto the increased fluorescence emission in inflammatory disease samples.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nie-aansteeklike siektes soos kanker, kardiovaskulêre, en neurodegeneratiewe siektes isvan die hoofoorsake van sterftes wêreldwyd. Kroniese sistemiese inflammasie word ge-assosieer met die aanvang en onwikkeling van sulke nie-aansteeklike siektes. Dit is dusduidelik dat daar ’n behoefte vir die onwikkeling van bekostigbare inflammasie toets- enmonitering-toestelle is.Hierdie tesis lewer verslag op die ontwikkeling en evaluasie van ’n lae-koste, fluoressensie-metingstoestel vir die opsporing van amiloïed fibrien(ogeen) - ’n inflammatoriese merkerin menslike plaatjie-vrye plasma (PVP). Die prototipe implementeer ’n fluorospektrome-triese ontwerp en rou slimfoonafbeelding om die fluoressensie-intensiteit wat deur PVPmonsters waarby die amiloïed-spesefieke fluoresserende merker, Amytracker630, bygevoegis, te kwantifiseer. Dit is bevestig dat die prototipe in staat is om verbinde Amytrac-ker630 op te wek, agtergrond lig uit te skakel, fluoressensie binne Amytracker630 seemissie-spektrum op te tel, en die fluoressensie te kwantifiseer. Die prototipe ontwerpis beskostigbaar, kompak en USB-aangedryf. Die prototipe is gebruik om PVP monsters van kolorektale kanker (KRK), psoriase (PSO)en kontrole pasiënte te toets. Die gemiddelde fluoressensiemeting vir die KRK en PSOmonsters was hoër as die gemiddelde fluoressensiemeting vir die kontrole monsters. ’nVariasie-ontleding en post-hoc-toets het gewys dat daar ’n beduidende verskil tussen dieKRK en kontrole groepgemiddelde en ook tussen die PSO en kontrole groepgemiddeldewas. Verdere toetse waartydens gerehidreerde fibrinogeen monsters geanaliseer is, hetwel aangedui dat die Amytracker630 molekules ook met nie-amiloïede plasma-molekulesreageer en moontlik aggregasie-geïnduseerde fluoressensie produseer. Daarom is die ge-volgtrekking gemaak dat die die fluoressensie wat deur die PVP monsters geproduseer is,nie alleenlik as gevolg van die teenwoordigheid van amiloïed fibrien(ogeen) was nie. Ge-durende inflammasie word sekere plasmamolekules, soos fibrinogeen, opgereguleer. Dieinteraksie tussen Amytracker630 en sulke plasmamolekules sou dus bydra tot die ver-hoogde fluoressensie emissie in die inflammatoriese siekte monsters.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Fluorescence-based amyloid fibrin(ogen), UCTD, Detectors, Detection (Electronics) -- Inflammation, Fluorescence microscopy, Medical instruments and apparatus