Identifying conditions of precarity: A gender analysis of Lindela Repatriation Centre

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Precarity has traditionally been viewed as a means to understand economic and social conditions affecting people, and more recently women. However, the work of Judith Butler has placed precarity within the body politics and particularly those who are detained by the carceral state. In this study, the researcher argues that there are three areas which have varying conditions of precarity: the first within the country of origin, thereafter conditions present in the host country and lastly those experienced while detained. Lindela Repatriation Centre has been used as a site of research by a number of scholars, but few have examined it as a site of precarity. The aim of this research is to to the understanding of precarity among migrants; but more specifically to determine if there is a difference in the ways in which men and women experience precarity. The researcher identified various dimensions of precarity and these were further aggregated by gender. She made use of qualitative semi-structured interviews with participants drawn from those detained at Lindela Repatriation Centre. Overall conditions of precarity identified include: precarious reasons for leaving (country of origin) which included political, social and economic conditions; circumstances of arrest and criminalisation of migration. Furthermore, conditions of precarity at Lindela include: power over bodies, spatiality and prison-like detention, punitive means of punishment, separation from support structures, deportation and sustenance. Further conditions include suspension of rights, verbal and physical attacks, and lastly the attitudes of officials.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onsekerheid (precarity) word tradisioneel verstaan as ’n manier om ekonomiese en sosiale kondisies te begryp wat mense, en meer onlangs vrouens, beïnvloed. Die werk van Judith Butler het onsekerheid binne die politieke liggaam geplaas, veral vir diegene wat gevange gehou word deur die staat wat gevangehouding prioretiseer. Hierdie navorsing redeneer dat daar drie areas bestaan waarin daar ’n variasie van van onsekerheid vir migrante voorkom, eers binne die land van oorsprong, later teenwoordig is in die gasheerland en laastens ervaar word terwyl hulle in aanhouding is. Lindela Repatriasie Sentrum word gebruik as ’n plek van navorsing deur menigte navorsers, maar min literatuur het daarna gekyk as ’n plek van onsekerheid . Die doel van die navorsing is om by te dra tot die bergrip van onsekerheid onder migrante, maar meer spesifiek om vas te stel of daar ’n verskil is tussen hoe mans en vrouens onsekerheid ervaar. Die navorsing het verskillende dimensies van onsekerheid identifiseer, en ondersoek met betrekking tot geslag. Die navorsing maak gebruik van kwalitatiewe, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met ‘n proefgroep van migrante wat in Lindela Repatriasie Sentrum aangehou is. In die geheel is voorwaardes van onsekerheid wat geidentifiseer is: onsekerheid van bestaan in die land van herkoms wat bydra tot vertrek, insluitend politieke, sosiale en ekonomiese toestande; en omstandighede van arrestasie en kriminalisering van migrasie. Situasies van onsekerheid by Lindela sluit in: mag oor liggame, ruimtelikheid en aanhouding wat soortgelyk is as in tronke, strawwe wat toegepas word, skeiding van ondersteuningstrukture, ‘n gebrek aan voeding en deportasie.Verdere voorwaardes sluit in opskorting van regte, verbale en fisieke aanvalle, en laastens die houding van amptenare teenoor migrante.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Repatriation -- Emigration and immigration, Immigrants -- Gender based analysis -- Social conditions, Lindela Repatriation Centre, Emigration and immigration -- Social aspects, Immigrants -- Gender based analyis -- Economic conditions, Emigration and Immigration -- Economic aspects, Immigrants -- Gender based analysis -- Uncertainty