The impact of the moratorium on the regulation governing vehicle height restriction : a South African high cube container case

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African National Road Traffic Act stipulates a legal vehicle height of 4.3 metres. The standard flat deck trailer fleet used in South Africa, combined with the international standard high cube container stands at 4.5 metres, thus breaching this limit. The complexity of the transport system involves aspects of road infrastructure, transport haulage equipment, road safety, and export economies of scale, leaving this issue unresolved for a decade. A stakeholder analysis, industry survey, analytic hierarchy process method, and semi-structured interviews were conducted to determine the best outcome from a risk and financial perspective. The research outcome indicates that legislation should be adjusted.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padverkeerswet bepaal ’n wettige voertuighoogte van 4,3 meter. Die standaard platbak vragmotor wat in Suid-Afrika gebruik word, gekombineer met die internasionale standaard hoë-volume houer is 4,5 meter hoog en oortree dus hierdie beperking. Die kompleksiteit van die vervoerstelsel behels aspekte van padinfrastruktuur, vervoertoerusting, padveiligheid, en uitvoer ekonomie-van-skaal-voordele, wat dit vir ʼn dekade onopgelos gelaat het. ’n Analise van belanghebbendes, industrie opname, die analitiese-hiërargie-proses metode en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gebruik om die beste uitkoms vanuit ’n risiko- en finansiële oogpunt te bepaal. Die navorsingsuitslag dui aan dat wetgewing aangepas moet word.
CITATION: Adams, T. M., Goedhals-Gerber, L. L. & Van Eeden, J. 2020. The impact of the moratorium on the regulation governing vehicle height restriction : a South African high cube container case. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 31(4):19-31, doi:10.7166/31-4-2353.
The original publication is available at
Transport policy, Vehicles -- Height restrictions, , South Africa, , Vehicles -- Height restrictions -- International standard, Road safety, Transportation, Automotive
Adams, T. M., Goedhals-Gerber, L. L. & Van Eeden, J. 2020. The impact of the moratorium on the regulation governing vehicle height restriction : a South African high cube container case. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 31(4):19-31, doi:10.7166/31-4-2353