Factors affecting the location of economic activities : a multi-disciplinary review and conceptual framework

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A holistic framework that enables a systematic evaluation of the factors affecting the location of economic activities has thus far been lacking. Using a structured review, this research summarises the key developments that address this issue. Based on this review, a conceptual framework is proposed. The framework is location-centric — i.e., it evaluates the performance of a location in supporting a specific activity aimed at a particular market. It aims to assist both firms and policymakers to evaluate the key location determinants that drive the location of activities.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Holistiese raamwerk wat ’n stelselmatige evaluering van die faktore wat die ligging van ekonomiese aktiwiteite beïnvloed moontlik maak, het tot dusver ontbreek. Deur middel van ’n gestruktureerde literatuurstudie gee hierdie navorsing ’n samevatting van die belangrikste ontwikkelings wat hierdie kwessie aanspreek. Op grond van hierdie oorsig word ’n konseptuele raamwerk voorgestel. Die raamwerk is lokasie-sentries — dit wil sê, die prestasie van ’n plek word evalueer in terme van ondersteuning wat dit bied vir ’n spesifieke aktiwiteit wat op ’n bepaalde mark gerig is. Dit is daarop gemik om beide ondernemings en beleidmakers te ondersteun met die evaluering van die sleutelbepalings wat die ligging van aktiwiteite beïnvloed
CITATION: Bam, W. G., De Bruyne, K. & Schutte, C. 2020. Factors affecting the location of economic activities : a multi-disciplinary review and conceptual framework. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 31(4):115-135, doi:10.7166/31-4-2445.
The original publication is available at http://sajie.journals.ac.za
Structured literature review, Commercial geography, Geodemographics, Economic policy
Bam, W. G., De Bruyne, K. & Schutte, C. 2020. Factors affecting the location of economic activities : a multi-disciplinary review and conceptual framework. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 31(4):115-135, doi:10.7166/31-4-2445