Understanding and benchmarking suppression systems for post-flashover informal settlement fires

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Currently there are more than one billion people residing in informal settlements worldwide. The increasing number of people residing in informal settlements worldwide is attributed to an overall rise in the world population and an increasing rate of urbanisation. Within the South African context, an alarming increase in the number of informal settlement fires has been documented since the turn of the millennium and it is of serious concern to see how little progress has been made in terms of fire safety within these poverty stricken communities. It is with this backdrop that this work seeks to understand the use of existing active fire suppression systems for post-flashover informal settlement fires, in the hope of improving the knowledge pertaining to these issues and thereby potentially enhancing fire safety within informal settlement communities. The work provides insight and technical guidance for fire brigades, municipalities and organisations working in informal settlements who are seeking to improve fire safety. In this work a novel testing methodology is developed for benchmarking the suppression performance of various existing fire protection strategies in post-flashover informal settlement fires. A series of nine full-scale experiments are conducted on a single representative steel cladded informal settlement dwelling during which the suppression performance of various fire protection strategies is measured and analysed. The fire protection strategies adopted during the full-scale testing include (a) brigade-based strategies, (b) community-based strategies and (c) non-water-based strategies. Based on the full-scale tests conducted, it was shown that the water-based strategies outperformed their non-water-based counterparts apart from the dry chemical powder (DCP) fire extinguisher, which demonstrated good suppression performance. The superior suppression performance of the water-based fire protection strategies is attributed to the cooling effect provided through the use of water, which absorbs the heat from the fire and thereby prevents re-ignition from occurring. The tested throwable suppression products failed to suppress the fire and are therefore not suitable for post-flashover enclosure fires. An evaluation matrix is developed to evaluate the efficacy of the tested strategies based on the suppression performance, ease of use, financial feasibility, environmental impact and first response time. The work continues by developing a numerical model in Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) to approximately quantify the amount of water, and discharge rate, required for communities to suppress fires of certain sizes when using a traditional “bucket brigade” technique. The model is calibrated based on the results obtained from the full-scale experiment utilising the bucket brigade approach. Results from the numerical models show that discharge rates of 23 – 40 lpm are suitable for informal settlement fires of approximately 3.85 MW (as produced by a 2.4 x 3.6 m dwelling with a timber fuel load of 25 kg/m²). Communities with water supply points with discharge rate of less than 23 lpm would most likely be unable to suppress fires greater than 3.85 MW in time without resulting in fire spread to adjacent dwellings. Lastly, the influence of a higher fuel load on the suppression duration is investigated, which indicates that the effectiveness of the bucket brigade technique becomes limited for a fire size of 5.77 MW as produced by a 2.4 x 3.6 m dwelling with a timber fuel load of 40 kg/m².
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Meer as een miljard mense woon tans wêreldwyd in informele nedersettings. Die toenemende aantal mense wat wêreldwyd in informele nedersettings woon, word toegeskryf aan 'n algehele toename in die wêreldbevolking en 'n toenemende tempo van verstedeliking. Binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is daar 'n onrusbarende toename in die aantal informele nedersettingsbrande sedert die eeuwisseling gedokumenteer, en dit is baie kommerwekkend om te sien hoe min vordering gemaak is met betrekking tot brandveiligheid in hierdie gemeenskappe wat deur armoede getref is. Dit is met hierdie agtergrond dat hierdie werk poog om die gebruik van bestaande aktiewe brandonderdrukkingstelsels vir informele nedersettingbrande te verstaan, in die hoop om die kennis rakende hierdie kwessies te verbeter en sodoende die brandveiligheid in informele nedersettingsgemeenskappe moontlik te verbeter. Die werk bied insig en tegniese leiding vir brandweermanne, munisipaliteite en organisasies wat in informele nedersettings werk en probeer brandveiligheid verbeter. In hierdie werk word 'n nuwe toetsmetodologie ontwikkel om die onderdrukkingsprestasie van verskillende bestaande brandbeskermingsstrategieë in informele nedersettingbrande te evalueer. 'n Reeks van nege volskaalse eksperimente word uitgevoer op 'n enkele, informele nedersettingwoning met staalbekleding, waartydens die onderdrukking van verskillende brandbeskermingsstrategieë gemeet en ontleed word. Die brandbeskermingsstrategieë wat tydens die volskaalse toetsing aangeneem is, sluit in (a) brandweer-gebaseerde strategieë, (b) gemeenskapsgebaseerde strategieë en (c) nie-water-gebaseerde strategieë. Op grond van die volskaalse toetse, is dit aangetoon dat die watergebaseerde strategieë beter was as hul eweknieë wat nie op water gebaseer is nie, behalwe die brandblusser met droë chemiese poeier (DCP), wat goeie onderdrukkingsprestasie getoon het. Die uitmuntende onderdrukkingsprestasie van die watergebaseerde brandbeskermingsstrategieë word toegeskryf aan die verkoelingseffek wat voorsien word deur die gebruik van water, wat die hitte van die vuur absorbeer en sodoende weerontsteking voorkom. Die getoetsde gooi-onderdrukkingsprodukte kon die vuur nie onderdruk nie en is dus nie geskik vir brande na die opknapping nie. 'n Evalueringsmatriks word ontwikkel om die doeltreffendheid van die getoetsde strategieë te evalueer op grond van die onderdrukkingsprestasie, gemak van gebruik, finansiële uitvoerbaarheid, omgewingsimpak en eerste responstyd. Die werk word voortgesit deur 'n numeriese model in Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) te ontwikkel om die hoeveelheid water en die ontladingstempo te kwantifiseer, wat benodig word vir gemeenskappe om brande van sekere groottes te onderdruk wanneer 'n tradisionele 'emmerbrigade' tegniek gebruik word. Die model is gekalibreer op grond van die resultate wat verkry is uit die volskaalse eksperiment met behulp van die emmerbrigade-benadering. Resultate uit die numeriese modelle toon dat die afvoer van 23 - 40 lpm geskik is vir informele nedersettingsbrande van ongeveer 3.85 MW (soos geproduseer deur 'n huis van 2.4 x 3.6 m met 'n houtbrandstofbelasting van 25 kg/m²). Gemeenskappe met watervoorsieningspunte met minder as 23 lpm sou waarskynlik nie betyds brande van meer as 3.85 MW kon onderdruk sonder dat brand na aangrensende wonings gelei het nie. Laastens word die invloed van 'n hoër brandstofbelasting op die onderdrukkingstydperk ondersoek, wat daarop dui dat die doeltreffendheid van die emmerbrigadetegniek beperk word vir 'n brandgrootte van 5.77 MW, geproduseer deur 'n huis van 2.4 x 3.6 m met 'n houtbrandstofbelasting van 40 kg/m².
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Informal settlements -- Fires and fire prevention, Fire prevention -- Fluid dynamics, Post-flashover fires, Squatter settlements -- Fires and fire prevention, Fire extinction, UCTD