Exploring the experiences of social service providers regarding the implementation of the National Drug Master Plan (2013-2017)

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: National Drug Master Plans (NDMP’s) are being implemented in the Republic of South Africa since 1999. NDMP’s serve as the overarching and coordinating policy-plan to address and manage the substance abuse problem in the RSA. The NDMP for 2013-2017 is the third NDMP in the RSA and various professional disciplines and sectors deemed it as essential, since it was implemented in a time wherein the substance abuse problem of the country was raging. NDMP’s in the RSA are developed and implemented based on integrated and multisectoral service delivery, in order to address and manage the South African substance abuse problem. The wide spectrum of NDMP’s and its newness in certain geographical areas and provinces of the RSA served as challenges to social service providers. The challenging experiences by social services providers regarding the implementation of NDMP’s can be ascribed to their active involvement with the implementation of NDMP’s in substance abuse service delivery. The NDMP for 2013-2017 provoked a wide spectrum of reactions from professional disciplines and sectors that were role-players in the implementation of this plan. It was observed in the South African social work practice that many of the professional disciplines and sectors that were involved in the implementation of the NDMP for 2013- 2017, approached social service providers for strategic guidance, professional support and theoretical expertise regarding their challenges, general experiences and concerns in relation to the implementation of this plan. There is a gap in literature regarding the experiences of social service providers regarding the implementation of NDMP’s, and specifically the NDMP for 2013-2017. There is a continuous national concern regarding the implementation of future NDMP’s as there is an intensification and negative diversification of the South African substance abuse problem. This research study was implemented at a time of urgent need for professional guidance and support regarding the planning and implementation of future NDMP’s in the RSA. There are currently no NDMP’s in the RSA, as the previous NDMP’s (the NDMP for 2013-2017) time frame for implementation lapsed. The NDMP for 2018- 2022, is not yet finalized and endorsed by the South African National Assembly. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the experiences of social service providers regarding the implementation of the National Drug Master Plan (2013-2017). In order to meet the aim of the study, four relevant objectives were formulated. A qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive nature was utilised in this study. The researcher made use of purposive sampling to obtain the sample of 16 participants. Ethical clearance was obtained for this low-risk study. A semi-structured interview guide was chosen to collect the data. Interviews were audiotaped and transcribed. The data was analysed into four themes, namely (1) the perceptions and understandings of social service providers regarding the NDMP (2013-2017); (2) the feasibility and practicality of the NDMP (2013-2017); (3) an overview of the implementation of the NDMP (2013-2017) with specific reference to challenges experienced; and (4) an anticipation of the implementations of future NDMP’s. Data verification was also done by ensuring as far as possible the truth value, applicability, consistency and neutrality of the study. As observed in Social Work practice, various professional disciplines and institutions are desperate for strategic guidance for the implementation of future NDMP’s and a professional interpretation of the implementation of the NDMP for 2013-2017. This research study thus attempted to describe the experiences of social service providers regarding the implementation of the NDMP for 2013-2017. The conclusions and recommendations regarding this topic can hopefully be utilised for the implementation of future NDMP’s.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nasionale Dwelm Meesterplanne (NDMP’s) word sedert 1999 geïmplementeer in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika. NDMP’s dien as die oorkoepelende en koördinerende beleidsplan vir die aanspreek en bestuur van die dwelmproblematiek in die RSA. Die NDMP vir 2013-2017 is die derde NDMP in die RSA en is in verskeie professionele sektore en dissiplines beskou as noodsaaklik, aangesien dit geïmplementeer was in ʼn tydperk waar die middelmisbruik-probleem in die land onbeheerbaar was. Suid-Afrikaanse NDMP’s is geskoei op integrale en multisektorale dienslewering vir die aanspreek en hantering van die probleme rondom middelmisbruik. Die breë spektrum van NDMP’s en die nuutheid daarvan in sommige geografiese areas en provinsies is as uitdagend beleef deur maatskaplike diensverskaffers. Dié uitdagende ervarings deur maatskaplike diensverskaffers kan grotendeels toegeskryf word aan die feit dat hulle direk betrokke is by die implementering van NDMP’s tydens dienslewering vir middelmisbruik. Die NDMP vir 2013-2017 het wye spektrum reaksies ontlok in die verskeie professionele dissiplines en sektore wie rolspelers was in die implementeringsproses van hierdie beleidsplan. In die Maatskaplikewerk-praktyk in Suid Afrika is waargeneem dat baie van die professionele dissiplines en sektore wie betrokke was by die implementering van die NDMP vir 2013-2017, hul gewend het na maatskaplike diensverskaffers vir strategiese leiding, professionele ondersteuning en teoretiese kundigheid met betrekking tot hul uitdagings, algemene ervaringe en kommer rakende die implementering van dié plan. Daar is tans ʼn tekort aan literatuur oor die ervaringe van maatskaplike diensverskaffers rakende die implementering van NDMP’s en spesifiek die NDMP vir 2013-2017. Daar is toenemende nasionale kommer oor toekomstige NDMP’s weens ʼn skerp toename in middelmisbruik in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie navorsingstudie is geïmplementeer in ʼn tydvak waar dringende leiding nodig is vir die beplanning en implementering van toekomstige NDMP’s in die RSA. Daar is tans geen NDMP in die RSA nie omdat die vorige beleidsplan (NDMP vir 2013-2017) se tydperk verstrek het en die volgende beleidsplan, die NDMP vir 2018-2022 nog nie voltooi en goedgekeur is deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Vergadering nie. Die doel van die studie was dus om die ervaringe van maatskaplike diensverskaffers aangaande die implementering van die NDMP (2013-2017) te ondersoek. Vier doelwitte is geformuleer ten einde die doel van die studie te bereik. ʼn Kwalitatiewe benadering met ʼn verkennende en beskrywende aard is gevolg in die studie. Die navorser het gebruik gemaak van doelbewuste steekproeftrekking om die steekproef van 16 deelnemers te bekom. Etiese klaring is verkry vir hierdie lae risiko studie. ʼn Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule is benut om die data in te samel. Die onderhoude is opgeneem en getranskribeer. Die data is in vier temas verdeel, naamlik (1) die persepsies en insig van maatskaplike diensverskaffers van die NDMP (2013-2017); (2) die uitvoerbaarheid en praktiese aard van die NDMP (2013-2017); (3) ʼn oorsig oor die implementering van die NDMP (2013-2017) met spesifieke verwysing na uitdagings wat ervaar is; en (4) die verwagtinge oor die implementerings van toekomstige NDMP’s. Data verifikasie is ook gedoen deur die geloofwaardigheid, oordraagbaarheid, betroubaarheid en bevestigbaarheid van die studie so ver moontlik te verseker. Soos waargeneem in veral die Maatskaplikewerk-praktyk, is verskeie professionele dissiplines en instellings desperaat vir strategiese leiding vir die implementering van toekomstige NDMP’s en vir ʼn professionele vertolking van die implementering van die NDMP vir 2013-2017. Hierdie navorsingstudie het dus gepoog om die ervarings van maatskaplike diensverskaffers te beskryf. Die gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings rondom hierdie onderwerp kan hopelik benut word met die implementering van toekomstige NDMP’s.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Substance abuse -- Government policy -- South Africa, Drug abusers -- Services for -- South Africa, Social work with drug addicts, National Drug Master Plan -- South Africa -- Evaluation, UCTD