'n Ondersoek na die opvoedkundige ondersteuning van enkelouer plaaswerkers aan hul skoolgaande kinders

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Knowledge about single farm worker parents’ support to their schoolchildren is seldom the subject of educational research, regardless of the challenges that such situations at home can pose for children’s educational success. In this study, I undertook to explore how single parents as farm workers in a rural environment support their children educationally. Previous research in the field of parental support and involvement indicates a positive correlation between efficient parental involvement and support and a child’s educational achievements and successes. This study aimed to investigate parental support and involvement and the influence it had on children’s conduct, attitude, well-being and success. The study endeavoured to bring this phenomenon into context with other educational research. The subjective opinions and experiences of the participants in the context in which they lived were explored and investigated. In the study, a case study was used as the research design. By means of purposive sampling, seven single farm worker parents were identified as the research population. Multiple methods were used in the data-collection process, of which semi-structured individual interviews, a focus group interview, and continuous qualitative observation formed part. Thematic analysis was used to identify themes and patterns from the data. The findings of the study indicate that single farm workers are involved in the lives of their children, regardless of various challenges. During the data analysis, the following themes emerged: parental involvement and parental support, the context and historical background of participants as farm workers, the support network of the single parent, as well as single parenting. Currently, socioeconomic and personal difficulties like financial challenges, long working hours and the maintaining of discipline are great challenges for single parents. With this study, better understanding was gained about how single parents as farm workers set about supporting their schoolchildren.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kennis oor enkellopende plaaswerkerouers se ondersteuning aan hulle skoolgaande kinders is selde die onderwerp van opvoedkundige navorsing, ten spyte van die uitdagings wat sodanige huisopsette vir kinders se opvoedkundige sukses kan bied. In hierdie studie het ek onderneem om ondersoek in te stel na hoe enkelouers as plaaswerkers in ʼn landelike omgewing hul kinders opvoedkundig ondersteun. Vorige navorsing in die veld van ouerondersteuning en -betrokkenheid dui op ʼn positiewe korrelasie tussen doeltreffende ouerbetrokkenheid- en ondersteuning en ʼn kind se opvoedkundige prestasies en suksesse. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om ouerondersteuning en -betrokkenheid en die invloed wat dit op kinders se gedrag, houding, welstand en sukses het, te ondersoek. Die studie het gepoog om hierdie verskynsel met ander opvoedkundige navorsing in konteks te bring. Die subjektiewe menings en ervarings van die deelnemers in die konteks waarin hulle leef, is verken en ondersoek. In die studie is ʼn gevallestudie as navorsingontwerp gebruik. Deur doelgerigte steekproefneming is sewe enkellopende plaaswerkerouers as die navorsingpopulasie geïdentifiseer. Veelvuldige metodes is vir die dataversamelingproses gebruik, waarvan semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude, ʼn fokusgroep-onderhoud asook deurlopende kwalitatiewe observasie deel gevorm het. Tematiese ontleding is gebruik om temas en patrone vanuit die data te identifiseer. Die bevindings van die studie dui daarop dat enkellopende plaaswerkerouers betrokke is in hul kinders se lewens, ongeag verskeie uitdagings. Tydens die data-ontleding het die volgende temas na vore gekom: ouerbetrokkenheid en ouerondersteuning, die konteks en historiese agtergrond van deelnemers as plaaswerkers, die ondersteuningsnetwerk van die enkelouer, asook enkelouerskap. Sosio-ekonomiese en persoonlike struikelblokke soos finansiële uitdagings, lang werksure en die handhawing van dissipline is tans vir enkelouers groot uitdagings. Met hierdie studie is beter begrip verkry oor hoe enkelouers as plaaswerkers te werk gaan om hulle skoolgaande kinders te ondersteun.
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Agricultural laborers, Education -- Parent participation, Single parents, Parent and child, UCTD