Implementation evaluation of the universal primary education policy at Khomasdal Primary School and Gammams Primary School in the Khomas Region, Namibia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : This thesis evaluates the implementation process of the Universal Primary Education (UPE) policy at Khomasdal Primary School and Gammams Primary School in the Khomas Region of Namibia. The literature review addresses the discourse of public policy, with a focus on implementation, and examines the complexities of policy implementation and how certain variables can directly affect the process of implementation. As a result, the different approaches and models of implementation that are discussed in the literature gives rise to a consensus regarding important variables that policy makers and implementers need to consider in order to ensure that successful policy implementation is realised. The variables referred to here are the 7 C’s (content, context, capacity, commitment, clients and coalitions, communication, and coordination), which should be considered by policy makers and implementers in order to ensure a policy’s success. The 7 C’s were used by the researcher to formulate the data-collection tool, as well as for analysing and making sense of challenges facing the UPE policy. The research findings relating to the UPE policy illustrate that the policy has not been updated since its initiation in 2013, which could prove to be problematic as it has become outdated. Stakeholders, such as teachers and principals, were also not involved in the formulation of the UPE policy. In addition, the tool used to achieve the policy is ineffective, as the UPE funds are allocated to schools too late. Data collected from the fieldwork further shows that some resources needed for implementation of the policy are inadequate. Furthermore, findings indicate an absence of a monitoring and evaluation system to track the progress of the implementation process of the UPE policy. The research concludes that there are indeed multiple factors hindering the implementation of the UPE policy at Khomasdal Primary school and Gammams Primary school. The thesis makes the following recommendations: Making the UPE fund tool used to achieve the goal of the UPE policy more effective; updating the content of the UPE policy; provision of adequate resources needed to successfully implement the UPE policy; closer engagement with internal stakeholders and the external private sector; and the development of an effective monitoring and evaluation system. These stated recommendations will improve the effectiveness of the UPE policy only if the variables that affect policy implementation are acknowledged and taken into account in the future. Although the main aim of the study was to evaluate the implementation process of the UPE policy, collection of empirical data has shown that, through its implementation and in achieving universal access to primary education, it has created a new challenge relating to “quality” of education.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie thesis evalueer die implimenteringsproses van die Universele Primêre Onderrig (UPO) beleid by Khomasdal Primêre Skool en Gammams Primêre Skool in die Khomas Gebied van Namibië. Die literatuuroorsig spreek die diskoers oor publieke beleid aan, met ‘n fokus op implimentering, en ondersoek dan ook die kompleksiteite wat gepaard gaan met beleidsimplimentering en hoe sekere veranderlikes ‘n direkte invloed kan hê op die proses van implimentering. As gevolg hiervan, word die verskillende benaderings en modele van implimentering bespreek in die literatuur wat gevolg gee tot ‘n konsensus ten opsigte van belangrike veranderlikes wat deur beleidmakers. en -implimenteerders in ag geneem moet word om suksesvolle beleidsimplimentering te realiseer. Die veranderlikes waarna hier verwys word is die sogenaamde 7 C’s (inhoud, konteks, kapasiteit, toewyding, kliënte en koalisies, kommunikasie en koördinasie) wat deur beleidsmakers en -implimenteerders in ag geneem sal moet word om die sukses van ‘n beleid te verseker. Die 7C’s is gebruik deur die navorser as ‘n data invorderingsmeganisme, sowel as om die data te analiseer en sin te maak van die uitdagings wat deur die UPO beleid ondervind mag word. Die bevindinge van die navorsing in verband met die UPO beleid illustreer dat die beleid nie opgedateer is vanaf aanvangs in 2013 nie. Hierdie bevinding mag problematies wees omdat die beleid verouderd is. Belanghebbendes, soos onderwysers en skoolhoofde, was ook nie betrokke by die opstel van die beleid nie. Ook die instrument wat gebruik word om die doelwit van die beleid te bereik is nie effektief nie, omdat UPO fondse te laat aan skole toegewys word. Data ingewin deur die veldwerk wys verder dat sommige hulpbronne benodig vir die implimentering van die beleid onvoldoende is. Verder dui bevindinge daarop dat daar ‘n afwesigheid is van ‘n moniterings- en evaluasie stelsel wat die vordering van die implimenteringsproses van die UPO beleid sou kon naspoor. Die navorsing kom dan tot die gevolgtrekking dat daar veelvuldige faktore is wat daartoe bydra om die implimentering van die UPO beleid by Khomasdal Primêre Skool en Gammams Primêre Skool te belemmer. Die thesis stel dan die volgende aanbevelings voor: Die instrument wat gebruik word om die doel van die UPO te bereik moet meer effektief aangewend word; die opdatering van die inhoud van die UPO beleid; voorsiening van genoegsame hulpbronne om die UPO beleid suksesvol te implimenteer; nouer betrokkenheid van interne belanghebbendes en die eksterne private sektor; en die ontwikkeling van ‘n effektiewe moniterings- en evaluasie stelsel. Hierdie aanbevelings sal slegs die effektiwiteit van die UPO beleid verbeter as al die veranderlikes wat beleidsimplimentering affekteer, erken word en in die toekoms in ag geneem word. Alhoewel die hoof doelwit van hierdie studie was om die implimenteringsproses van die UPO beleid te evalueer, het die invordering van empiriese data getoon dat, deur die implimentering en bereiking van universele toegang tot primêre onderwys, daar ‘n nuwe uitdaging geskep is naamlik “kwaliteit” van onderrig.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Education and state -- Khomas (Namibia), Education, Primary -- Khomas (Namibia), Khomasdal Primary School [KT] -- Khomas (Namibia), Gammams Primary School -- Khomas (Namibia), UCTD