Development of a pharmaceutical product categorization framework taxonomy for the South African public healthcare pharmaceutical supply chain—VAN enabled

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many of the challenges in supply chains have been traced to emanate from a misalignment between the type of product, together with its attributes, and the strategy according to which the supply chain of the product is managed. Several frameworks, incorporating a diverse set of product attributes, have been recommended to enable this alignment between product attributes and supply chain strategies in various sectors. The priorities that are typically pursued in public healthcare pharmaceutical supply chains, differ from those that are typically pursued in the commercial sector in a number of ways. Despite this, a structured search of literature did not uncover any framework that incorporates the distinct critical attributes to be used in describing product categorization in public healthcare pharmaceutical supply chains specifically. A review of literature on product categorization as it has been applied in various industries, indicates that it is reasonable to conclude that tailoring supply chain management practices and policies to the attributes of the products being supplied in the public healthcare pharmaceutical supply chain sector is likely to be beneficial. The South African National Department of Health is in the process of rolling out the Visibility and Analytics Network reference framework, with the aim of ensuring the sustained availability of and access to medicine. At present, the Visibility and Analytics Network strategy does not incorporate the product categorization concept. In this study, a product categorization framework is developed specifically for use in the contemporary South African public healthcare pharmaceutical supply chain. The framework is intended to provide guidance to supply chain managers on aligning pharmaceutical products with appropriate supply chain strategies, thereby formulating different supply pipelines in line with the relevant attributes of the products. It is envisioned that the framework will be used by the provincial supply chain managers in the Visibility and Analytics Network strategy informed push model as they: analyze and optimize complex links in the public healthcare pharmaceutical supply chain; and make inventory planning and management recommendations to primary healthcare facilities. The product categorization framework that is developed in this research is expected to aid in enhancing sustainable availability and access to medicines in the South African public healthcare supply chain.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Groot aantal van die uitdagings in voorsieningskettings ontstaan vanweë ‘n wanbelyning tussen die tipe produk, tesame met die eienskappe daarvan, en die strategie waarvolgens die voorsieningsketting van die produk bestuur word. Verskeie raamwerke, wat 'n uiteenlopende reeks produkeienskappe insluit, word aanbeveel om hierdie belyning tussen produkeienskappe en voorsieningskettingstrategieë in verskillende sektore te bewerkstellig. Die prioriteite wat tipies in farmaseutiese voorsieningskettings vir openbare gesondheidsorg nagestreef word, verskil van dié wat tipies in die kommersiële sektor nagestreef word. Ten spyte hiervan het 'n gestruktureerde literatuursoektog geen raamwerk ontbloot wat die onderskeie kritieke eienskappe bevat wat gebruik moet word om, spesifiek in openbare gesondheidsorgvoorsieningskettings vir farmaseutiese produkte, die kategorisering van produkte te bewerkstellig nie. 'n Oorsig van die literatuur wat handel oor die toepassing van produk-kategorisering in verskillende industrieë, dui aan dat dit redelik is om tot die gevolgtrekking te kom dat hierdie praktyk ook in openbare gesondheidsorgvoorsieningskettings vir farmaseutiese produkte voordeel sal inhou. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Departement van Gesondheid implementeer tans ‘n verwysingsraamwerk, naamlik die Sigbaarheid- en Analitiese Netwerk, wat ten doel het om volgehoue beskikbaarheid van- en toegang tot medisyne te verseker. Die produkkategorisering konsep word nie tans in hierdie verwysingsraamwerk ingesluit nie. In hierdie navorsing word 'n raamwerk vir produkkategorisering spesifiek ontwikkel vir gebruik in die kontemporêre Suid-Afrikaanse openbare gesondheidsorgvoorsieningsketting vir farmaseutiese produkte. Die raamwerk is ontwerp om aan bestuurders in die voorsieningsketting leiding te gee oor hoe om toepaslike voorsieningskettingstrategieë, vir verskillende farmaseutiese produkte te identifiseer om sodoende verskillende aanbodpyplyne daar te stel, in ooreenstemming met die toepaslike eienskappe van die produkte. Daar word voorsien dat, binne die konteks van die Sigbaarheid- en Analitiese Netwerk, provinsiale voorsieningskettingbestuurders die raamwerk sal gebruik soos wat hul: komplekse skakels in die farmaseutiese voorsieningsketting vir openbare gesondheidsorg analiseer en optimeer; en aanbevelings rakende voorraadbeplanning en -bestuur by primêre gesondheidsorgfasiliteite maak. Die raamwerk vir produkkategorisering wat in hierdie navorsing ontwikkel is, sal na verwagting bydra tot volhoubare beskikbaarheid van- en toegang tot medisyne in die Suid-Afrikaanse openbare gesondheidsorgvoorsieningsketting.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Taxonomy -- Public healthcare, Pharmaceutical product -- Supply chain management, Pharmaceutical industry -- Management, Group products