Die voorbereiding van kinders in kinder- en jeugsorgsentrums op herintegrasie na ontheffing vanuit staatsorg

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The preparation of children in child and youth care centres on reintegration after having been discharged from state care is a complex matter as not enough research is available on the topic in the South African context. These children are described as one of the most vulnerable groups in society due to the multiple challenges they face after having been discharged from state care and having to reintegrate in society as independents. According to the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 child and youth care centres “may”, in addition to therapeutic and other developmental programmes, offer programmes to assist children with their transitioning when leaving a child and youth care centre. The word “may” suggests that child and youth care centres are not obligated to provide these programmes. This study investigates the views of social services providers employed at four child and youth care centres in the Western Cape regarding the preparation of the children residing in these centres before being discharged from state care. A literature study was completed to gain insights of the following: the different policies and legislation pertaining to the preparation of children in child and youth care centres on reintegration after having been discharged from state care, the multi-disciplinary team approach utilised in child and youth care centres, the rights-based perspective and strengths-based perspective, the nature of preparation programmes and finally the challenges faced by children who have been discharged from state care as well as the role players who develop and implement preparation programmes. The study mainly follows a qualitative approach. Both the exploratory and descriptive research designs were utilised to ensure that a broad approach of the data and information could be obtained and presented. A semi-structured interview schedule was utilised to guide the 19 interviews with the participants. Key findings are that children who have been discharged from state care, face multiple challenges, such as, unemployment and substance abuse as they try to reintegrate into society. Currently there are not enough physical and emotional resources available to assist these children with the transitioning from state care to being independent. Another key finding is that external social workers, who are the case managers of these children, are not actively involved in the preparation of children who are being discharged from state care. Child and youth care centres do not have the resources to render aftercare services to children as the rendering of these services are the responsibility of external social workers. The lack of financial and human resources hinders child and youth care centres from developing and implementing effective preparation programmes. Another key finding is that the preparation of children who are being discharged from state care, should be an ongoing process that already starts when the child is admitted at the child and youth care centre.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorbereiding van kinders in kinder- en jeugsorgsentrums op herintegrasie na ontheffing vanuit staatsorg is veral ʼn komplekse tendens aangesien daar nie baie studies hieroor in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks uitgevoer is nie. Hierdie kinders word beskou as een van die kwesbaarste groepe in die samelewing vanweë die uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar nadat hulle onthef word vanuit staatsorg en gevolglik ʼn onafhanklike bestaan in die samelewing moet gaan voer. Volgens die Kinderwet 38 van 2005 “mag” kinder- en jeugsorgsentrums, addisioneel tot terapeutiese en ander ontwikkelingsprogramme, programme aanbied wat kinders voorberei vir ontheffing vanuit staatsorg. Dus is die aanbieding van voorbereidingsprogramme nie noodwendig ʼn vereiste nie aangesien die word “moet” nie gebruik word nie. Hierdie studie ondersoek maatskaplike diensverskaffers werksaam by vier kinder- en jeugsorgsentrums in die Wes-Kaap se sienings oor die voorbereiding van kinders op herintegrasie na ontheffing vanuit staatsorg. ’n Literatuurstudie is uitgevoer om ’n beter begrip te verkry oor die volgende; verskillende beleide en wetgewing aangaande die voorbereiding van kinders wie vanuit staatsorg onthef word, die multidissiplinêre spanbenadering met betrekking tot dienslewering in kinder- en jeugsorgsentrums, die regtegebaseerde perspektief en die sterkte perspektief, die aard van voorbereidingsprogramme, en laastens die uitdagings ervaar deur kinders wie vanuit staatsorg onthef word, asook rolspelers wie voorbereidingsprogramme moet ontwikkel en implementeer. Die studie volg hoofsaaklik ʼn kwalitatiewe benadering. Daar is van ʼn verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerp gebruik gemaak om te verseker dat ʼn breër begrip van die data en inligting verkry, deurgegee kon word. ʼn Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule is benut om die 19 onderhoude wat met deelnemers gevoer is, te rig en lei. Belangrike bevindings wat aan die lig gekom het, is dat kinders wie vanuit staatsorg onthef word, veelvoudige uitdagings soos werkloosheid, middelmisbruik, en vroeë swangerskap in die gesig staar terwyl hulle probeer om binne die samelewing ter herintegreer. Daar bestaan ook nie altyd die nodige fisiese en emosionele ondersteuning vir hierdie kinders om suksesvolle herintegrasie te ervaar nie. Daar is ook gevind dat eksterne maatskaplike werkers wie steeds die gevallebestuurders van inwondende kinders is, nie aktief betrokke is in die kinders se voorbereiding op ontheffing vanuit staatsorg nie. Kinder- en jeugsorgsentrums het ook nie die nodige hulpbronne om nasorgdienste aan hierdie kinders te lewer nie aangesien eksterne maatskaplike werkers hierdie nasorgdienste moet lewer. Die tekort aan finansiële en menslike hulpbronne is die grootste uitdagings wat kinder- en jeugsorgsentrums ervaar om effektiewe voorbereidingsprogramme aan inwonende kinders te lewer. ʼn Bevinding wat duidelik na vore gekom het is dat die voorbereiding van kinders wie vanuit staatsorg onthef word, ʼn deurlopende proses moet wees wat begin sodra die kind by die kinder- en jeugsorgsentrum opgeneem word.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Child care workers, Child care services, Foster home care, Ex-foster children -- Psychological aspects, UCTD