Application of differential person and household growth in the Gauteng city-region, 2001-2011

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study deals with differential person and household growth at electoral ward level for the period 2001 – 2011 for the Gauteng City-Region. From a theoretical perspective such growth at such small area level is very valuable when dealing with issues around urban growth and urbanisation and the characteristics that this brings. At a spatial level, the manifestation of growth is critical in terms of picking up changes in its structure and distribution. Differential urbanisation has been seen to take place in other parts of the world whereby growth shifts from places in the urban core to intermediate cities and even onto smaller places before the cycle repeats itself. These urban development cycles are important to take note of and to track over time in order to be able to react to changing patterns of urban growth. In this regard it is important to appreciate what drives growth and how this plays into the realm of how a region moves a process of decentralisation to one of reurbanization and the impact this has for spatial and urban planning. This study made use of the 2001 and 2011 Census harmonised to the 2011 boundaries and using the standard deviation measure within a Gaussian distribution to create six categories of growth, three either side of the mean that are divided by one and two standard deviations. The study then showed characteristics for various characteristics for different levels of person and household growth before establishing spatial trends and patterns that identified hotspots in the city-region and in the metros of Gauteng on their own as well as identifying clustering and outliers of growth for the city-region and metros alone as well. The study identified some key findings in the shape of there being a strong urban core that drives most growth in the city-region; the mining industry along the mining belt stretching from the West Rand in Westonaria all the way north up to Rustenburg in the North West province showed its own unique trends and characteristics; and finally there is a definite trend across the city-region to move away from areas with poor service delivery towards areas that provide good quality of living with quality and reliable delivery of services.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie handel oor die differensiële groei van persone en huishoudings op ‘n kieswykvlak tussen 2001 en 2011 in die Gauteng stad-streek. Bevolkings- en huishoudingsverandering op kleinareavlak is, uit ‘n teoretiese oogpunt, besonder waardevol vir die studie van vraagstukke wat verband hou met stedelike groei en verstedeliking, asook die eienskappe daarvan. Die manifestasie van groei is van kritiese belang om veranderings in die struktuur en verspreiding van bevolkings en huishoudings op ‘n ruimtelike vlak te identifiseer. Differensiële verstedeliking in ander wêrelddele word gekenmerk deur ‘n sikliese verskuiwing van groei uit die stedelike kern na intermediêre stede, en self na kleiner plekkies voordat die siklus herhaal word. Dit is belangrik om stedelike ontwikkelingsiklusse waar te neem en oor tyd te volg ten einde te kan reageer op veranderende verstedelikingspatrone. Dit is in hierdie verband veral belangrik om die faktore wat aanleiding gee tot groei, hulle rol in die verandering van desentralisering tot herverstedeliking, sowel as die impak daarvan op ruimtelike en stedelike beplanning, te verstaan. Hierdie studie het gebruik gemaak van die 2001 en 2011 sensusdata wat geharmoniseer is tot 2011 grense. Ses kategorië van groei, drie aan weerskante van die gemiddeld, is geskep deur gebruik te maak van standaardafwykings gemeet binne ‘n Gaussiese verdeling. Die studie het die eienskappe van verskillende vlakke van bevolkings- en huishoudingsgroei geidentifiseer voor ruimtelike patrone en tendense vasgestel is wat ‘hotspots’, sowel as ‘clustering and outliers’ (groepering en uitskieters) in die stad-streek as geheel en die metros in Gauteng afsonderlike geidentifiseer het. Kernbevindinge sluit in dat ‘n sterk stedelike kern die meeste groei in die stad-kern dryf; dat die mynbouindustrie in die mynboubelt wat strek van Westonaria aan die Wes-Rand tot Rustenburg in die Noordwes Provinsie sy eie unieke eienskappe en tendense vertoon; en dat daar ‘n definitiewe beweging oor die stad-streek heen is om weg te beweeg van areas met swak dienslewering na areas wat ‘n beter kwaliteit van lewe bied met meer bestendige en hoër kwaliteitsdienste.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University 2018.
Households -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Gauteng, Population -- Growth -- South Africa, Cities and towns -- Growth -- South Africa -- Gauteng, Urbanization -- Forecasting, UCTD, City planning -- South Africa -- Gauteng