Exploring the views of health care service providers on life stressors and basic needs of HIV-positive mothers in rural areas of Lesotho

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Stellenbosch University, Department of Social Work
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ranks as one of the deadliest viruses in the world. The second highest incidence of the virus has been recorded in Lesotho, where women and children are the most infected and affected. This article explores and describes views of health-care service providers on the life stressors experienced by HIV-positive mothers living in the rural areas of Lesotho and how their basic needs are met. Recommendations are made on how health-care service providers and the government can address the life stressors and basic needs of these mothers
CITATION: Shoeshoe, M. & Sulina, G. 2017. Exploring the views of health care service providers on life stressors and basic needs of HIV-positive mothers in rural areas of Lesotho. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 53(1):45-56, doi:10.15270/53-1-545.
The original publication is available at http://socialwork.journals.ac.za
HIV-positive women, HIV (Viruses), HIV infections, HIV-infected mothers, HIV infections -- Lesotho -- Prevention, HIV -- Lesotho -- Caregivers, HIV -- Life skills assessment
Shoeshoe, M. & Sulina, G. 2017. Exploring the views of health care service providers on life stressors and basic needs of HIV-positive mothers in rural areas of Lesotho. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 53(1):45-56, doi:10.15270/53-1-545