Obstacle avoidance with a multicopter in a dynamic two-dimensional environment

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In order to allow a multicopter to fly autonomously in a dynamic two-dimensional environment, a prototype obstacle avoidance system was developed. Included in this prototype avoidance system was the development of a two-dimensional proximity sensor. A combination of obstacle avoidance algorithms (D* Lite and the VFF) were coded in MATLAB and verified through various simulations. Pose and measurement uncertainties were also investigated and incorporated into the simulations’ map building technique. In the end, the obstacle avoidance algorithm was successfully implemented in various outdoor test environments, managing to safely navigate the multicopter to its end destination in each case.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ten einde hindernis vermyding met ’n hommeltuig toe te pas in ’n tweedimensionele vlak, is ’n prototipe hindernis vermydings sisteem ontwerp. Ingesluit by die prototipe vermydings sisteem was die ontwerp van ’n tweedimensionele afstand sensor. ’n Kombinasie van hindernis-vermydings algoritmes (D* Lite en die VFF) was geprogrameer en geverifieer in MATLAB deur verskeie simulasies te doen. Posisie asook meting onsekerheid was ondersoek en in ag geneem in die simulasie se kaart bou tegniek. Daarna was die hindernis-vermyding sisteem suksesvol geimplimenteer in verskeie buitemuurse toets omstandighede waar dit altyd die hommeltuig veilig by sy eind bestemming kon uitbring.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Solar power plants -- Inspection, Obstacle avoidance, Dynamical systems, Proximity spaces -- Flight testing, UCTD