A training impact evaluation of the higher education programmes: a case study of the Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to assess the training impact that the higher education programme at the Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute (EATI) has made towards the employment of the 2009 to 2013 graduates. An important objective of this study was also to ascertain whether there was any difference in the employment of Previously Disadvantaged Individuals (PDIs) and non-PDIs. The main question was therefore whether the knowledge and skills development of the graduates has added value to their lives regarding employment within the agricultural sector. The study furthermore aimed at evaluating the quality of the Higher Education programmes of the EATI, by evaluating the perceptions of graduates and the management team of the EATI. Subsequently, a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tool was proposed to monitor the outcomes in future and assist with future impact evaluations at the EATI. The output, which is currently the preferred method of reporting, does not indicate the difference that the interventions may make to beneficiaries’ lives and therefore the need for the evaluation tool. A triangulation approach was utilised to gain insight into the status of graduate employment as well as the Quality Assurance (QA) and M&E systems employed at the EATI. The reason for this approach was to add substance to the future outcome evaluations and possibly assist with governance at the EATI. With a low graduate response to the study, the mixed-method approach was deemed appropriate for this study. A number of findings were incorporated into recommendations, with the most important finding being that responding graduates are generally employed in the agricultural sector, but have a concern regarding promotion and career advancement. With the findings obtained, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) was proposed as an M&E tool and the recommendations were made according to the findings and subsequently incorporated into the structure of the proposed BSC.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is gedoen om vas te stel watter impak die hoër-onderwysprogramme van die Elsenburg Landbou-opleidingsinstituut (ELOI) gehad het op indiensneming van die 2009 tot 2013 gradueerdes. ‘n Belangrike doelwit van die studie was ook om vas te stel of daar ‘n verskil in die indiensneming van voorheen benadeelde (VBI) en nie-voorheen benadeelde (n-VBI) individue bestaan. Die hoof vraag was dus of die kennis- en vaardigheidsontwiklkeling van die gegradueerdes, waarde toegevoeg het tot hul lewens ten opsigte van indiensneming in die landbousektor. Die studie het verder beoog om die gehalte van die Hoër Onderwys (HO) programme te evalueer, deur die persepsie van die gegradueerdes en bestuurspan van die ELOI te evalueer. Daarna is ‘n monitering en evalueringsinstrument (M&E) voorgestel om in die toekoms die uitkomste te monitor en te help met toekomstige impak evaluerings. Die huidige verkose metode van rapportering, in die vorm van uitkomste, dui nie die verskil aan wat die intervensie ten opsigte van die begunstigdes se lewens maak nie en daarom die behoefte aan die evalueringsinstrument. ‘n Trianguleringsbenadering was gebruik om beter insae te verkry ten opsigte van die status van gegradueerdes se indiensneming sowel as die kwaliteitsversekering- (QA) en M&E-sisteme wat by die ELOI gebruik word. Die rede vir hierdie benadering was om substansie te verleen aan toekomstige evaluerings en om moontlik by te dra tot die bestuur van die ELOI. ‘n Aantal bevindinge is in voorstelle inkorporeer, met die mees belangrike bevindinge dat reagerende gegradueerdes oor die algemeen binne die landbousektor in diens geneem word, maar dat hulle ‘n bekommernis het ten opsigte van bevordering- en loopbaan vooruitsigte. Met die bevindinge wat verkry is, is die Gebalanseerde Telkaart (BSC) voorgestel as ‘n M&E-instrument en aanbevelings is na aanleiding van die bevindinge gemaak. Die aanbevelings is daarna in die struktuur van die voorgestelde gebalanseerde telkaart ingevoeg.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Universities and colleges -- Training -- Programs, College student development programs, Education, Higher -- Quality assurance -- Management, Education (Higher) -- Quality -- Evaluation, UCTD