Attitude and intergroup anxiety generalisation as mediators of the secondary transfer effect of the contact-prejudice relationship among white South African Stellenbosch University students

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Intergroup contact has been found to be one of the most effective ways of reducing prejudice (Allport, 1954; Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006) and its effects generalise beyond the outgroup involved in the interaction (Pettigrew, 2009). As such, the present study aimed to explore the impact that White South African students’ intergroup contact with Coloured South Africans has on the attitudes and intergroup anxiety towards Coloured South Africans, and whether these attitudes and intergroup anxiety generalise to impact social distance and expectancies towards Black (African) South Africans, while controlling for prior contact with the secondary outgroup. In other words, the present study explored the secondary transfer effect, as well as the mechanisms mediating this effect. The present study is a quantitative, cross-sectional study. Data was collected via an online survey questionnaire completed by 866 White South African Stellenbosch University students and was subsequently analysed via structural equation modelling. I found that cross-group friendships with Coloured South Africans were significantly associated with intergroup anxiety towards Coloured South Africans and positive attitudes towards Coloured South Africans. Furthermore, intergroup anxiety towards Coloured South Africans was significantly related to negative outcome expectancies towards Black (African) South Africans and positive attitudes towards Coloured South Africans had a significant relationship with social distance towards Black (African) South Africans. The findings support the secondary transfer effect and provide valuable evidence of the mediating role of attitude- and intergroup anxiety generalisation. These findings fill an important theoretical gap in the contact literature, as South African studies exploring the secondary transfer effect and its mediators are extremely scarce. Furthermore, the findings from the present study provide important insights that can be applied in the organisation of interventions aiming to reduce prejudice.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Daar is bevind dat tussengroepkontak een van die mees effektiewe maniere is om vooroordeel te verminder (Allport, 1954; Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006) en dat die uitwerking daarvan wyer as die groep betrokke by die interaksie veralgemeen (Pettigrew, 2009). Dit is dus die doel van die onderhawige studie om die impak wat tussengroepkontak tussen Wit Suid-Afrikaners en Kleurling Suid-Afrikaners op die gesindhede en tussengroepangs van Kleurling Suid-Afrikaners het, te bestudeer en te bepaal of hierdie gesindhede en tussengroepangs sal veralgemeen om die sosiale afstand en verwagtinge teenoor Swart Suid Afrikaners ook te raak, terwyl vorige kontak met die sekondêre buitegroep beheer is. Met ander woorde, die onderhawige studie ondersoek die sekondêre oordrageffek, sowel as die meganismes wat die effek bemiddel. Die onderhawige studie is ’n kwantitatiewe deursnee ontwerp-studie. Data is ingesamel via ‘n aanlynopnamevraelys wat deur 866 Wit Suid Afrikaanse Universiteit Stellenbosch-studente ingevul is en wat daarna deur strukturele vergelykingsmodellering ontleed is. Ek het bevind dat kruis-groep-vriendskappe met Kleurling Suid-Afrikaners ’n beduidende assosiasie met tussengroepangs en positiewe houdings teenoor Kleurling Suid-Afrikaners het. Verder was tussengroepangs teenoor Kleurling Soud-Afrikaners beduidend verwant aan negatiewe verwagtinge oor Swart Suid Afrikaners en positiewe houdings was beduidend verwant aan sosiale afstand teenoor Swart Suid-Afrikaners. Die bevindings ondersteun die sekondêre oordrageffek en bied waardevolle bewyse ten opsigte van die bemiddelende rolle van gesindheids- en tussengroepangs veralgemening. Hierdie bevindings vul ’n belangrike teoretiese gaping in die kontakliteratuur, aangesien Suid-Afrikaanse studies wat die sekondêre oordrageffek en sy bemiddelende meganismes bestudeer, uiters skaars is. Verder bied die bevindings van die onderhawige studie belangrike insig wat toegepas kan word in die organisasie van intervensies wat mik om vooroordeel te verminder.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Contact Hypothesis, Intergroup relations -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch University, South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Race relations, Prejudice, Anxiety, UCTD