Remote sensing evapotranspiration (SEBS) evaluation using water balance

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Water Research Commission
ENGLISH SUMMARY : This report follows on from WRC Report 1690/1/09 (Gibson et al., 2009) entitled "Remote sensing as a tool for resource assessment towards the determination of the legal compliance of surface and groundwater use" which showed that due to many uncertainties and limitations with both the input data and methodology, it was not possible to determine the actual water consumption of individual farms or compliance to legislation. In this project, the aim was to address the uncertainties and limitations in WRC Report 1690/1/09 and thereby determine the efficacy or inefficiency of the method to highlight water-stressed catchments.
CITATION: Gibson, L., et al. 2011. Remote sensing evapotranspiration (SEBS) evaluation using water balance. Water SA, WRC Report no. KV 272/11.
The original publication is available at
Water consumption -- Sandveld (South Africa), Water efficiency -- Sandveld (South Africa), Water balance (Hydrology) -- Sandveld (South Africa), Farms -- Sandveld (South Africa)
Gibson, L., et al. 2011. Remote sensing evapotranspiration (SEBS) evaluation using water balance. Water SA, WRC Report no. KV 272/11.